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Hey so yay Update! now to the story...

As I am jolted out of my bed hitting the floor rather hardly, I groan curling into a ball and shutting my eyes, right now I don't really care who pushed me off the bed I'm to confused and tired to think about it.

My alarm goes off around two minutes later at that I know I need to get up. Getting dressed is easy all I put on is a black tank top and ripped black skinny pants, leather jacket, foundation, eye liner, and combat boots.

Locking my door behind me I take my time walking to Chris's house, she opens the door with only one nock, she's wearing a black lassi top with an under shirt and high wasted black jagings, mascara, lipstick, foundation, eye liner, eye shadow, and high heeled boots.

"Are you going to be able to walk with that high of heels?" I question

"Duh tris I am the master at high heels" she states in a matter-of-factly way as she does a model walk for me

"Yea yea whatever lets just go we are going to be late!" I say pushing her to the train.

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