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My eyes flutter open, still half asleep I shift my body bumping into Tobias making him wake up
"Sorry didn't mean to wake you up" I say smiling
"No problem I love waking up and seeing you" that one made me smile a lot, he's so sweet. Tobias raps his arms around me so my chest is touching his, at that moment i realize I'm naked and so is he, my first thought is to pull away, but I don't I pull him closer to me rapping my arms around him, so there is no space between us.
"I love you tris" Tobias says kissing me on the lips
"I love you two" I reply with a huge grin on my face.

That's when the door swings open reveling Chris and Zeke, Tobias pulls a blanket over us so they can't see anything, Chris has a look on her face that I can't read all I know is it's that's she looks like she might scream of happiness.

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