
32 2 0

September, 2006

        Ramona took the steps up to the school slowly, dreading the school year. Summers were her solace. She could hideaway in the safety of a book. Away from everything, everyone. Being 11 overweight, with a lisp and braces branded her for bullies. The big front doors stand daunting in front of her. Finally forcing herself to walk inside she mumbles"606," to herself as she passes rows of metal lockers, the numbers getting larger. Stopping in front of locker 606 she turns the dial to open it. Keeping only her notebook, and folders for her first two classes Ramona closes the metal door and begins to search for her homeroom. The school was much bigger than the elementary school, with more classrooms and students. A warning bell goes off, signaling that homeroom would start in a few minutes. Ramona panics nowhere near finding her class. Though her anxiety is yelling at her not to she speaks to a boy passing down the hallway. 

"Excuse me? Can you help me find room C68?" she tries her best to control her lisp, but judging by his face she didn't do a good job. The boy was no taller, with messy brown hair, brown eyes and a dazzaling smile. He was the definition of a textbook hottie. Ramona's cheeks went noticably red. 

"Uh yea, sure. Down that hall and take two lefts." She thanked him, and followed his directions . Doing as he said, she found herself outside and the door click locked behind her. He had purposly given her the wrong way. Her only option was to run around the school to the front, something she was not keen on doing. But academics were important to her, so she started her treck. 

Upon entering her homeroom, late of course, Ramona discovered the boy was in her class. Seated at his desk, the surrounding ones were taken by three other boys, who had the same popular air about them. "Nice of you to join us," the teacher spoke from the front of the class. She quickly took a seat close to the door. He started taking attendance, calling everyones names. "Connor ball?" One of the boys sat around the one who gave her directions raised his hand. His dirty blonde hair was straight and falling over his forehead just above his big blue eyes. A few more names called before the teacher called, "Ramona Donovan?" Her large arm lifted into the air, he nodded and continued. James, and Tristan were the names of the other two boys, and finally she learned his name was Bradley. "Brad," the dark haired boy corrected the teacher. 


Lunch came quickly, and Ramona made her way to the cafeteria. The aroma of food filled her nostrils and her stomach growled. Even if it was gross school food, she filled her tray full. She ate when she was stressed, and boy was she. Ramona sat by herself at the far side of the cafeteria. A few kids sniggered at her as they passed, but that was nothing compared to what she was used to. Brad and his friends passed by, sitting at a table nearby. She stared, thinking to herself how cute he was and how he would never like her back. Even if he had given her wrong directions, Ramona couldn't help but like him. 

Done with her food early, she decided to steal a few minutes in the library. As she got up, her foot got stuck around the chair. Leftover food off the tray flew as she hit the ground. Some kids gasped, others laughed. Looking around at the faces laughing at her, Brad, James, and Tristan included. Her vision blurred with tears, part from the pain in her ankle and part from embaressment. 

"Are you ok?" A voice asked, kneeling down beside her. 

"No, I think I twisted my ankle." Ramona touched it and winced with pain. 

"Here, let me help you to the nurse." A hand appeared. Attached to it was Connor. 

After helping her that day, they became best friends. Brad, Tristan, and James were nice to her even. Everything got easier after that day. 

Ok, so I'm starting a new story!! I really hope you guys will like this story! It is the Vamps instead of 5SOS or 1D, so yea. Please vote and comment!! xo -Rachel

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