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I was quiet as the five of us ate, repeatedly going over what just happened with Connor in my head. He couldn't have been trying to kiss me? Could he? I try to push it out of my mind when I realize they are trying to get my attention.


"We were asking if you wanted to go out tonight. Brad has to work but he works at a bar so it works out." Connor restated what I had missed. 

"Um not sure." I was hesitant after last night, not really into watching Brad flirt with every girl but me again. 

"Oh c'mon." Tristan begged. "We'll be your wingmen." He slung an arm around Connor and flashed a smile. I laughed, shaking my head. 

"Yea that makes me feel better. You two have done this before and it never works!" I laugh. "James are you coming?"

"Nah. I have a date. Her name is Zoe. I met her at the party last night, the girl Brad was with made her come." I nodded.

"Are we allowed to meet her?" I ask eagerly. Desparate for another girl in the group.

"I'll see how it goes and maybe come later." 

"Fine." Deciding I had nothing better to do. "Alright, I'm leaving. My couch and a movie are calling my name. I'll see you guys later."


I was finishing my makeup when someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?"

"Connor," the voice shouted back.

"Come, in its open!" I tell him from the bathroom. I had on a black tube skirt and my favorite Beatles t-shirt. Since my outfit was more simple I played up my makeup and went for a smoky eye.

"Hey," Connor appears leaning on the door frame. "Almost ready? Tristan is downstairs."

"Yea, give me another minute." Twisting the top of my mascara, I pull the wand out of the tube and wave it over my eyelashes. "What are you looking at?"

"You. It's cute how you open your mouth when you're doing that." After the words left his mouth, he realized what he said and how it sounded. His ear and cheeks tinted with pink, and he cleared his throat. "I'll be downstairs with Tris." Connor shuffled from view and I heard the door close. It took me only a few more seconds to finish, and I was on my way downstairs. Connor and Tristan were talking in fast, low voices when I approached them. "Everything ok?"

"Great. Yea, let's go." Connor spoke a little too quickly.

We arrived at the bar Brad works at shortly after. He was behind the bar mixing a drink for a pretty girl.  The three of us head towards that side of the bar as the girls walks away smiling with her drink. "Hey guys. Two beers and a vodka lemonade?" He asks knowing our usual drink orders. We nod with approval. I watch as he fills two large glasses with Summit beer, and pours two parts vodka and one part lemonade into another glass. I take my cup of mostly clear liquid and take a large sip.

"Con, those two over there." Tristan nudges Connor in the ribs, and gestures two a pair of brunetts across the bar. He ends up dragging Connor with him to talk to them and I am left alone, Brad working a few feet away.

"Some wingmen," I mutter to myself. To my surprise Brad chuckles. "What?"

"You seriously let them help you pick up guys?" He finishes pouring another drink to someone who just walked up to the bar, before leaning against it by me. His cologne wafts over me and I want to inhale deeply, but refrain trying not to look weird. Around his head a red bandana is tied that stand out against his dark hair, and a plain black shirt covers his torso.

"Well I don't have many girl friends." I shrug. Connor and Tristan are the closest friends I have.

"Let me find someone for you." He proposes.

"Um thanks, Brad. But it's fine honestly." I panick and brush off his offer to help. 

"No really, let me find someone for you." He finishes as Connor walks back over, alone. Tristan was leaving with one of the brunettes while the other moved towards another guy. 

"You're finding a guy for Ramona?" Connor questions sitting back down next to me, and gesturing for Brad to grab him another beer. 

"Yea. How about that guy over there?" Brad points a guy just opposite us at the bar. Connor scoffs. "What?"

"Just he doesn't look like her type." The man was larger, had almost no hair and was chatting up another guy.

"Really? You think you can do better?" Brad challanges.

"Yea I think I know my best friend better than you." Connor folds his arms across his chest, in response. "Tell you what, we each find a guy for her and set up dates, see which goes better."


"Hello, still sitting here." I remind them that I am here considering they are talking about as if I'm invisible. "Fine," I give in as they both just stare at me. This was going to be interesting, as I sat there and hoped Brad would set me up with himself.

Thoughts so far? I haven't said who is playing Ramona as I can't think of anyone. If you guys have any suggestions let me know!

Also I start my senior year of college tomorrow so not sure how frequent updates will be, but I will try my best! Vote/comment/share xo -Rachel

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