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"Are you ready yet? It's just a soccer game!" Connor called from my couch a few weeks later.

"Almost. I'm going out with Logan after, I need to look decent." I stand in the doorway of the living room, still messing with my hair.

"You look fine. Can we go?" He picks up his duffle, filled with soccer gear, and stands up seeming irritated.

"Alright, alright." I grab my bag from its place on my counter and follow him out. We get into his car and drive to the field in almost complete silence. Only the most recent All Time Low record plays.

"Hey Zoe!" I greet James' new girlfriend outside the stadium. Connor went his seperate way towards the locker room.

"Hi. Should we go find our seats?"

"Can we get some consessions first? I'm starving!"

"Good idea." She agrees. We each grab a pretzel and a drink and find our seats. Tristan and James were already there.

"Is Brad coming?" I wonder out loud.

"No. His mom is in town." James answers, stealing a chunk of Zoe's pretzel. She attempts

"Nora is here? She still as crazy as when we were in high school?" I laugh. Brad's mom is very involved and in your face. Oh and loud.

"Yep. She's here for his birthday this weekend. Are you bringing Logan to his surprise party tomorrow?" James asks.

"I'll ask him tonight and text you." He nods to say that works as the starting whistle sounds.


"Before I forget do you want to come with me to Brad's surprise party tomorrow?" I ask Logan as we walk out of a restaurant hand in hand.

"Yea sure. I'm not busy."

"Great! I do have to warn you in advance of Brad's mom. She's a bit in your face type."

"Too late to back out?" He jokes as we reach my apartment complex.

"Yep. All rsvps are final." Logan stops us and faces me.

"I think I'll be perfectly fine with you there." His face is inching closer until our lips touch. We kiss for what feels like an eternity.

"I should go. I'll see you tomorrow." With one last peck he heads home.

Brad was very surprised, and happy. "I can't believe you guys did this!" He gasped.

"It was really all your mom and James." Connor admits. "We just got the food and beer." Once the party had resumed after the big surprise I excused myself from Logan's side for another drink.

"So you finally got over my little Bradley." Nora was in the small kitchen arranging cheese and meat on a tray.

"You knew?" I asked slightly shocked.

"Hun, everyone knew. Except for Brad. You know he can be a little oblivious at times."

"Fine. Yes I did. Connor set me up with one of his teammates."

"Good for you. It's time you moved on!" She gives me an encouraging pat on the back and exits the kitchen. I roll my eyes and take my drink to find Logan.

"Ready to go?" Logan asks after we had been at the party a few hours. I told him we could go back to my place and watch movies.

"Yea. Let me just find Brad and give him his present." I pull a carefully wrapped package out of my bag.

"Happy birthday." I hold it out for him after finding him speaking to James in the living room.

"You didn't have to get me anything." He scoffs taking the package. He pulls back the wrapping revealing a vintage copy of The Great Gatsby. "Mona, this is amazing. Where did you find this?"

"A little bookshop I found a while back." I smile at his reaction.

"I love it. Thank you." He pulls me in for a tight hug. I tell him goodbye and rejoin Logan at the door.

"Did you two ever date?"

"No. Why?" I practically laugh in his face as we enter the elevator.

"Because he's totally into you."

"Highly doubt that. I had a crush on him in high school but he was oblivious. Most guys were."

"What? You're gorgeous. I bet you were in high school too."

"I was a chubby loser with one friend in high school. Trust me you wouldn't have noticed me." Logan frowned at me as I dug in my purse for my keys.

"I'm sure I would have. But that still doesn't mean he doesn't like you now."

"Well even if by some miracle he does, I have you now. So it doesn't matter." I smile and kiss him, hard.

I updated? What?
Sorry for the long wait, school and life are kicking my butt. I hope you liked this chapter! Might even update again tonight or tomorrow cause I'm on a roll!! Please vote and comment it really means a lot to me!! xo Rachel

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