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As soon as I agreed I knew it was a bad idea. I had half a mind to make myself Ramona's date, but as I look around the bar I knew I couldn't. James and his date walked through the doors and towards us. "Hey guys, this is Zoe." He introduced her. She was a moderate height, but looked small next to Jame's tall frame. She had short blonde hair and glasses. "This is Connor, Brad, and Ramona."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you guys." Her voice is quiet, I almost don't hear her over the bar chatter. Ramona is immediate to talk to her, glad to have another girl around. I emersed myself in a conversation with James.


The next morning I woke up and got ready to go to practice early. I wanted some time in the gym before the other guys. When I arrive in the locker room I toss my duffle in my locker that has my last name on a tag at the top, "Ball" ironic isn't it? In the weight room the only other people there is our team trainer Joe, and Logan one of the other forwards.

"Hey man." He greets me. I give him a nod with my chin and respond with a simple,

"Hey." I move towards the leg press machine to build up my strength. A half hour later the rest of the team pours in followed by the coach who yells at us to get our asses to the field. Practice was long and hard, and I am in desperate need of an ice bath. We are all shuffling into the locker room when I have an idea. "Hey, Logan. Have you met my friend Ramona? Medium height blonde?"

"Yea, saw her at the party the other night. She's cute. Why?"

"Well I'm trying to set her up with someone and I think you guys would be good toghether. What do you say? Go on a date with her?"

"Yea sure, man. Text me her number." I give him a thumbs up before limping to the trainers office for that ice bath.


It was still early when I left the field, so I figured I'd stop by Ramona's work and tell her about Logan. I walked into the library, engulfed in silence and found her sitting at the resource desk. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a high pony tail and she had her reading glasses on. When she noticed me standing there she waved. "Hey what are you doing here?"

"Just came to tell you I found someone for your date."

"God it's not one of your soccer buddies is it?" She rolled her eyes, and began picking up paper and shuffling them together.

"Well yes. But Logan is cool. You might have seen him at the party. Taller, with like dark blonde hair." I did my best to describe my teammate.

"Fine. I'm free tomorrow." She stood up and adjusted her glasses. "I'm off for the day. Walk home with me?" She asked and I nodded. While she was in back getting her stuff I texted Logan her number. Now it was out of my hands. I know he's a good guy or I wouldn't have set them up, but a part of me is hoping it goes badly. Ramona returns to the main part of the library with her purse over one shoulder, and we set off toward our apartments in the slight drizzle that had started to come down from the sky.

So her dates will be next chapter, I just have no brain power and want to get this updated!! so i'm still stuck on who to make Ramona, please comment with suggestions!! Also I think of Logan as Derek Discanio from State Champs (picture in the thing at the top.)

Comment/vote/share - i feel like only two people read this so it would be super cool if you know people who like the vamps and would reccomend this story to them!! xo -Rachel

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