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Hi, so I don't think anyone even reads this anymore, but I am going to keep writing to finish it! I have been busy graduating from college and trying to find a full time job in my field, while working a shitty part time job I hate. So I am writing again to try and get out of a funk Ive been in. Hope you guys like it!! 


I continued to stand in the doorway watching Connor and Brad staring back at me. Connor wore a look of sadness, knowing what I went through that day and how it hurt me and now having to relive it with Brad knowing. Brad looked shocked and horrified. "Ramona, I - I," He stuttered to find the right words. 

"Forget it. You're as oblivious now as you were then." With that I turned around and speed walked down the hallway, Connor shouting my name. He caught up with me, "Mona, wait." 

"Why were you showing that to him?" I asked as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. 

"He said something earlier about not being that mean to you in high school and I wanted to show him how he hurt you." Connor explained. "I'm sorry you had to relive that." He pulls me into a tight hug. We stood there for what felt like forever. 

"It's ok. I was just coming over to see if you wanted to watch a movie and hang out since we haven't in a while." 

"You can still come in and we can put something in if you want." 

"Sure. Something funny to cheer me up, please." I request. We walk back to his apartment and curl up on the couch to watch The Internship. 


I wake up, covered in a blanket and half laying on Connor who is still fast asleep. Slowly I get up to grab a drink of water from the kitchen. Pouring from the pitcher in the fridge, Brad walks in and startles me. 

"Oh sorry. I didn't know you were here." He starts to back out of the kitchen. 

"Connor and I fell asleep watching a movie." I mumble, explaining my presence. 

"I just want to say I am really sorry. I was an ass in high school, but I have changed a lot since then." 

"I know you have," I reply. "I have too, obviously." I gesture to my appearance. "It was just really hard reliving that. That's the reason people called me cake face for a year." 

"I remember that. So you really liked me back then?" He ventures. 

"Yea, I did. Even after that, surprisingly. Don't worry, I'm over it now. So no weirdness, right?" I ask hopefully. He answers affirmativley, but seems off somehow. "It's Logan, I should go anyway. Tell Connor I had to leave for me." I say when my phone rings. Brad nods and waves as I leave the apartment. "Hey Logan." I greet my boyfriend once I'm in the hallway. 

"Hey babe. Can we meet up? I have to talk to you about something." He sounds vage and distant. 

"Um sure. I'll meet you at the cracked mug in an hour, I need to go back to my place and change first." 

"Ok, see you then." 


When I get to the coffee shop, Logan is already sitting at the table we had our first date at. "Hey," I smile and try to look more calm than I am feeling. I pretty much showered and got ready in a panic, trying to figure out what he is going to tell me. 

"Hi, I ordered your usual." He kisses my cheek before I sit across from him. 


"So where were you this morning?" He asks. 

"Oh I just fell asleep watching a movie with Connor last night, so I was at his place." 

"Oh, ok. Um well what I wanted to tell you is that I am being offered a spot on Everton's English Premier league team." I don't know much about soccer, but from what Connor and Logan have explained to me the EPL is the UK's version of MLS. 

"That's such a great opportunity!" 

"Thanks, it really is. My career is really going to benefit. But it means I'm moving to Liverpool." 

"Wow. When do you have to go?" I ask, fearing the answer.

"A few weeks. The Sounders season just ended so I am finding a place over there and shipping all my stuff." 

"Where does that leave us?" 

"I really like you, Ramona. These last two months have been amazing. But I have done long distance before, and it didn't work out. I don't want to put either of us through that." I understood perfectly what he was trying to say. 

"So this is it then?"

"I'm really sorry, but this is huge for me and I really need this opportunity." 

"No of course. I'm just sorry this didn't last." I try to hold back tears as I walk away from the table and Logan. After the last 48 hours all I want is to lay in bed and watch Netflix. 


A few days later I was moving about my apartment trying to find something to eat. I hadn't really been out since Logan and I broke up except to go to work. Someone knocked on the door, startling me. Connor had been trying to get me to come out and cheer me up. I answer it not caring that I am in my old black sweats and a take top, my hair messily knotted on my head. 

"Brad, hey." 

"Hey, I was just coming to see how you were doing. Connor told us." I sigh and let him in. 

"I'll be fine, I'm just processing still." I slouch on the couch, putting my feet up on my coffee table. Brad stays standing, slightly pacing. "Are you nervous about something?" 

"Ok, this probably isn't the time for this but I have to say it. I like you, Ramona. Watching you with Logan the last month has killed me." I stared at him in shock, at a loss for words. "Say something?" 

Valient / c.bOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora