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Hi everyone! Another update finally!! Vote and comment xo


Walking out of my room I did not expect to see the scene that I saw unfold. I had heard what sounded like Ramona's voice, quite angry. So I left my room to see what was going on. I stood there paralyzed for long enough to hear her say "I swear if it's just because I lost weight after high school and learned how to do make up I sw-" her words were cut off and I watched as my friend kissed the girl ive been in love with for ten years.

"So this is going to be a thing now?" I swallowed hard, barely able to get my words out.

"Not sure." Ramona spoke, glancing at Brad for input that he did not give.

"Well just keep the PDA to a minimum. No one in the group had dated before let's not ruin it." This is true, and the entire reason I haven't tried to make a move for Ramona. I walk slowly back to my room, feeling like it takes me years to get there. Sitting rigidly on the edge of my bed I try to make sense of what just happened. How did they get to that point? There is a light knock on my door, I don't say anything to the guest but Ramona opens it a crack before coming in all the way and closing the door behind her.

"Hey, sorry you had to see that. I would have much rather told you face to face. You're ok with this right?"

"Oh yea, why wouldn't it be?" I play it off.

"Just what you said about no one in the group dating. And I promise whatever happens between me and Brad you are my best friend, Connor Ball." I smile at her words, only moderatly comforted.

"And you mine, Ramona Donovan." She pecked my cheek, unknowingly killing me, before exiting my room.


"Since when is that a thing?" James questions later that week when Brad and Ramona walk into the apartment hand in hand.

"Monday." I tell him in a monotone voice.

"Mate, you've got to move on, do something. This isn't healthy. I know it hurts but their your friends, at some point you will have to be genuinly happy for them." I know James is right. I finish filling up my water bottle and grab my soccer bag to head to practice.

All of the guys in the locker room greet me with various versions of hi or hey. "Dude we got a new trainer, she is hot." One of the defenders tell me. I am shocked it's a woman over the last few years we've had only men.

"What happened to Danny?" I ask about our old trainer.

"Moved to Florida with is girlfriend." I finish changing and head out to the field. Since it's off season coach just runs drill and stuff to keep us in shape. As I am maneuvering through cones I step wrong and tweak my ankle. Falling to the ground I curse.

"Smith help Ball to the trainer to get that looked at." My teammate helps me up, putting an arm around my shoulders helping me limp back into the training center.

"Ankle," I tell the new trainer when Smith drops me off in the room. I sit myself up on the table as she untied my cleat and takes off my sock and shin guard. Her hands are soft as the feel around my ankle assessing the damage.

"Just a bad sprain. I'll wrap it, just stay off any hard physical training for a week. Ok?"

"Ok. Thank you," I pause waiting for her to fill in her name.

"Kate." I nod. Watching her as she wraps my ankle in a tan ace bandage the guys were right. She is gorgeous. Her long blonde hair was tied back into a ponytail and her bright blue eyes were focused on her work. Her face was littered with freckles across her pale skin. And in her nose was a small stud.

"I'm Connor." She smiles.

"Done, come see me in a few days to see how it's healing." I nod and limp out of the room. Somehow I felt like she was going to heal my heart too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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