36 2 5

September, 2015


"Morning Ramona!" A regular at the library greets me on my way in.

"Morning Janice. Get that new book you were looking for?"

"Yep! Going home to read it now!" I wave goodbye and make my way to the reference desk.

I've worked at a small library on the edge of Seattle for a while now. The summer after I graduated high school was very eye opening. I started working out, and eating better. I lost over 50lbs. My mom got me a speech pathologist to help with my lisp. After college I moved to Seattle full time from Sequim. A new scenery, and new people made all the difference. I could start over as a new and improved Ramona.

Turning on my computer I punch in and get ready to help people locate books and information. I love my job. I am surrounded by books all day, and I get to help people. The day goes by, not without a few difficult  people. At 5 I walked the mile or so back to my apartment. It was a small place, with brick walls. The kitchen with an island was located just to the left of the living room which had a long couch, a loveseat and a TV. My room is located in the back down a short hallway. A bed, pushed against the far wall, an old dresser and a large bookshelf are the bulk of the room.

Not long after coming home a loud knock sounds on my door. I open it to find my dear friend Connor. We stayed best friends through high school and even college. He lives with Brad, Tristan and James in the apartment building across the street. "Hey," I greet him.

"Just making sure you're coming to my game tonight." He is dressed in his uniform already, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Right out of college he tried out for the Seattle Sounders Soccer team and made it. He is a back up forward, but doesn't mind.

"Of course! I was just about to change and head down there."

"Cool, I'll see you after then? Party at my place." I give him a thumbs up before he leaves. In my room I put on my Sounders t-shirt and keep on my pair of skinny jeans.


A short drive in my old jeep and I'm at the stadium, bag over my shoulder and jacket around my waist. It being the Pacific Northwest it's fairly chilly and rainy. Connor gets seats for me, Brad, Tris, James and his mom for almost every game. They are normally located a few rows up from the bench. When I find the seats Brad is already there with a brunette girl I've never seen.

"Hey. Tris and James coming?" I ask taking the seat on his other side.

"James is working late and Tris should be here soon. Ramona this is Hayley, my date." He gestures to the leggy girl on his right.

"Hi, nice to meet you." I force a smile. I should be used to this by now. Yes, I am still hung up on Brad. I'm not completey desperate, I've dated a bit over the years. Nothing too serious. Now that we were friends, after he finally stopped teasing me all through high school, it's harder to stop myself from liking him. On the field both teams jog out to warm up. Connor looks in our direction and waves enthusiastically, we all wave back.

The Sounders won, with a goal from Connor who got to play the last 15 minutes. After my drive home I leave my car parked in my lot and walk to the guys' apartment across the street. There is already quite a few people milling around with loud music playing. I find Connor in the kitchen eating chips. "Nice game!" I congratulate him.

"Thanks! Hopefully now coach will see my progress and play me more!"

"He'd be stupid not to. Hey how much do you know about Brads new friend Hayley?"

"Are you really still pining after him?" Connor has known about my crush for years. Though Brad has obviously paid little to no attention.

"Possibly? I don't know, Con. He's so frustrating with his one night stand dating tactic but so great otherwise." I frown watching him chat her up across the room. Taking a long swig of the beer I grabbed from the fridge I try and district myself.

Gah first full chapter!! Please vote/comment and let me know what you guys think!! xo -Rachel

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