22 2 5

Not a super long update, but one nonetheless. Hope you enjoy!! Vote and comment! xo


I stared at Brad, unable to find words to capture my feelings.

"Brad, I ..."

"Don't say anything right now. You clearly need time to process. I'll talk to you soon, ok?" I must have nodded because he gave me a half smile before walking out. My mind was reeling. I had wanted to hear him say that for so long that I think I built up the moment in my head. I also thought I'd be into him at the same time, not hurting from a break up. I numbly walk to my bathroom and turn on the shower. stripping down and stepping in the hot water sooths me.

Work the next day drags on forever it seems. "Excuse me can you help me find this book?" Someone asks for what feels like the 100th time that day. I want to snap and tell them thats why we have computers, so they can locate books. But I don't. I nod and look up the title scrawled on the paper they gave.

"It should be about halfway down the row over there." I point to their right. They thank me and move on. I make it to the end of the day and start my walk home. It starts to sprinkle about halfway there before completely down pouring. still thinking about Brad's confession i turn from confused to angry. How could he just dump that on me now? How dare he right after Logan dumps me, and he after he found out about how I felt in high school. Without thinking I buzz myself into the boys apartment complex instead of my own. "How dare you?" I say a little too loudly when Brad answers the door. I'm assuming I look like a crazy person, dripping wet and yelling.

"I'm sorry? Don't most girls like it when guys tell them that they like them?"

"Yes, but you did it right after Logan left and caught me completely off gaurd. And why now? Because I swear if it's just because I lost weight after high school and learned how to do make up I sw-" I only made it through part of what I had to say because Brad had leaned in and kissed me.

"I like you because you are honestly the smartest person I know, I love that we read the same books, and you are such a genuine person who liked me even after I was a collasal dick. But yes the fact that you are hot now is a plus." I tried not to smile, but the butterflies in my stomach and the muscles in my face said otherwise. We leaned to kiss again, and I don't know how long we stood there. Only someone clearing their throat broke us apart.

"So this is going to be a thing now?" Connor spoke. A look was on his face that I couldn't place.
"Not sure." Brad and I look at each other and shrug. We clearly hadn't talked about it yet.
"Well just keep the PDA to a minimum. No one in the group had dated before let's not ruin it." Connor said solemnly before sauntering to his room.

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