chapter two

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what Ashton looks like on the side hehe


Luke slipped his pyjamas on after his bubble bath with Ashton before he felt hands on his shoulders. "Baby, I'll drive you." Ashton smiled, pressing a kiss to Luke's neck.

"I want to walk Ash." Luke giggled, leaning in to Ashton's touch. "Besides you need to leave, and go home and sleep, you have work tomorrow."

Ashton whined, "Can't I sleep here?" He whispered.

"Nope, or you won't get up tomorrow and you'll be late to work then." Luke pouted at his boyfriend. "Cmon, you can drive me to the shop and then you drive away and I'll walk back myself."

"Okay kitten, just be careful." Ashton kissed Luke's cheek before they both got changed. Luke was in pink frilly shorts and a white short sleeved shirt of Ashton's. Luke slipped on a coat, a grey one which happened to be Ashton's too. Luke slipped on some of his vans before he took Ashton's hand and the two of them went down the small set of stairs to the pavement, the cold night air around them.

They climbed in to Ashton's car before heading towards the shop around the corner. Ashton parked up, leaning across to Luke and kissing him deeply, "Love you baby, I'll come round after work tomorrow, yeah?"

Luke nodded, rubbing his nose against Ashton's. "Love you too, just bring me food and flowers and I'll open the door for you." He smirked and Ashton nodded.

"Bye kitten." He mumbled as Luke opened the door and got out before going inside of the shop.

Inside Luke headed to the chocolate aisle and picked up a bag of popcorn along with Starbursts before getting a can of coke from the fridges. He headed to the cashier and put the things down, "Can I get some of the birth control as well please? The hundred grams."

The cashier scanned everything, "That's nine seventy, please." The guy smiled, eyeing Luke's bare legs and his pink shorts.

Luke handed him a ten dollar bill and told him to keep the change as he took the bag and left the small corner shop.

Luke set his way home, three streets away but he paused when hearing a scratching sound. Luke looked around seeing a dark alley way, he took his phone from his pocket, turning on the flashlight and shining it there. He heard the scratching again before hearing a purring sound. "Hello?" Luke called out before stepping in to the alleyway, the light shining around.

Then Luke paused again when he heard a meow and he smiled a little before finding the source to be a small kitten. It cowered from Luke's flashlight on his phone and Luke approached the kitten.

The baby cat was black, having a line of red and blue going down its back. Luke had never seen a kitten with that colour fur so he stroked behind its ear only for it to launch forward and bite Luke's hand. "Ow you fucker!" Luke yelped.

Luke huffed before watched the kitten scamper away under someone's back gate of someone's house. Luke turned around and continued his walk home. When he arrived he went straight to sort out his hand, disinfecting it and placing a bandage around his hand.

He took the two pills required, not to get pregnant. He wanted kids with Ashton, of course he did, they'd been together for two and a half years, just not quite yet. Ashton was travelling for his job, a model for a punky magazine while Luke was still at school in university, but he also had some modelling shoots on the side too. He couldn't get pregnant right now, he would get rid of it if he did, because he wasn't ready to handle that commitment yet.

Luke ate his chocolate while he sat in bed and watched Daredevil on Netflix, cringing at the sight of someone having their head smashed between a car door repeatedly, his brain literally falling to the floor in pieces. When he'd watched a few more episodes, Luke put his laptop away before crawling in to the middle of his big pink bed, and making himself at home.

Luke wanted Ashton to have been able to stay but he had an early shoot and if he was here, he wouldn't have left, he would've ended up fucking Luke in to the mattress again. Luke closed his eyes and thought about his boyfriend, muscly and tattoo covered, but kind and caring for him. He'd protect Luke if someone tried to touch him at a club and he'd look after Luke when he was too drunk to stand on his own two feet. He'd kiss away any tears and he'd hold Luke close if something bad had happened.

Luke loved his boyfriend, and nothing could come between that. Ever.


I like writing this and might just finish it in a week :) yay

Pls comment and vote because I like having feedback

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