chapter eight

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Ashton woke Luke up at five thirty, with his lips around Luke's cock and he sucked him off until Luke orgasmed, before they both got out of bed. "What time is it?" Luke asked, Ashton carrying him to the bathroom.

"Nearly six, someone is coming over later to meet you." Ashton said.

"Who?" Luke frowned.

"Just a friend." Ashton shrugged. Luke brushed his teeth, Ashton going the same before Ashton took them back to Luke's room. "Put something cute on yeah?"

Luke nodded and proceeded to put on some clean panties, white flowery stockings that Ashton thought Luke looked so beautiful in. Luke put on a cute white short skirt before putting on a tight white crop top, a plaid shirt of Ashton's tied around his waist.

Ashton smiled at Luke's clothing, his pretty long legs on show for Ashton. "I want you again." Ashton smirked at Luke who shook his head and sorted out his hair.

"Who's coming to see us?" He questioned.

Ashton smiled, "Just someone, you might recognise them, maybe." He shrugged. Ashton got changed in some clothes he had at Luke's house, he had his own drawer, Luke had the same at Ashton's.

"Tell me, Ashy." Luke pouted, laying on the bed, watching Ashton get dressed. He spread his legs a little, and Ashton caught sight of the action and sighed. All Luke had to do was act a little slutty for Ashton, and he'd instantly get what he'd want.

"You remember telling me about the cat who bit you?" Luke nodded, "Well when you were sleeping, someone came to the door, claiming that his boyfriend was a hybrid that bit you. He's bringing him over at six, to talk." Luke's mouth fell open at Ashton's words, "Yeah, exactly."

Luke stood up and hugged Ashton, "I'm getting answers to the questions I keep thinking about. It's fine, I want to meet them. What are their names?" He asked, pulling out of the hug.

"Calum came to the door, Michael is his boyfriend." He said and then the doorbell rang and Luke squealed, running down the stairs to answer the door.

He opened it, two boys standing there. Luke instantly recognised the one with the black hair, blue and red in the fringe. "It's you!" Luke squealed and the boy retracted, stepping closer to the tanned boy.

"It's okay, you can talk to him baby. He's like you now." The tanned guy assured the black haired boy. He turned to Luke, "I'm Calum. This is Michael."

"Hi, come in." Luke smiled, Ashton entering the room as they all went in to the living room. Calum and Michael sat on the sofa and Ashton and Luke sat on the love seat together, Luke curled up on Ashton's lap.

Michael slowly pulled off his hat, revealing black ears. Luke perked up, ears growing and he smiled. Michael looked at him before he stood up and headed in to another room but not a minute later a black kitten came toddling in to the room and Luke cooed before he turned in to a kitten on Ashton's lap.

Luke nuzzled out from his clothes and jumped off Ashton's lap and he went over to Michael, licking at his fur on Michael's cheek. Luke meowed and michael nuzzled against him and the two of them purred and meowed at each other and Ashton and Calum watched and talked and watched TV as the two kitten boys bonded.

A few hours later kitten Luke clawed at Ashton's leg, nosing against it and Ashton looked down at the big blue eyed, blonde looking kitten. Ashton picked the kitten up and Luke licked his cheek as he cuddled up in to Ashton's neck.

Ashton set his hand on the kittens bum so he stayed cuddled up to Ashton. Across the room, Michael was cuddling in to Calum.

After a few minutes Luke hopped off Ashton's lap, pawing at his foot and Ashton watched as he tapped at his skirt and clothing Ashton had folded up. So Ashton picked it up and stood up, following as kitten Luke left the room. He was too small to climb the stairs so Ashton picked him up and placed him in Luke's bed. The blonde haired kitten wriggled under the sheets and Ashton watched as the lump got bigger and then Luke poked his head from the sheets. "Mikey's nice." Luke blushed. "I could speak to him through the, um, meowing and he said he was sorry for biting me."

Ashton smiled, "So we'll be having more play dates?"

Luke giggled as Ashton passed him his clothes and Luke got changed. "Yeah, I like him, we should be their friends."

"Yeah, Calum's cool too." Ashton smiled.

"Yeah?" Luke teased, standing up when he was fully dressed again. "Do you want to ask them to go out for dinner? It's nine o'clock."

Ashton nodded, "Yeah let's go ask."

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