chapter four

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I've written all of this story, so it's just posting so more comments = more chapters and there will be ten and an epilogue :)


"Baby, have a bath with me." Ashton cooed, to a naked Luke on his pretty pink bed. He was softening now and sweaty from Ashton's assault on his bum. "Beautiful, you're filthy, it's bath time."

Luke curled in to a ball and whined, "No bath." He pouted to himself. Ashton crawled up the bed, kissing Luke's shoulder.

"Why not, babyboy?" Ashton questioned softly, his hand on Luke's waist.

Luke only whined so Ashton huffed and went to the bathroom, running a bath and putting in the rose scented bath bomb before going back to Luke and lifting him up bridal style. "Baby." Ashton cooed when Luke wiggled around. Ashton put him down in the bathroom and Luke whined again, "Why won't you have a bath with me?"

"I don't want to." Luke sat down on the toilet lid and pouted, crossing his arms.

Ashton kissed Luke's forehead, "I swear did that cat bite turn you in to one because they hate water."

Luke frowned at that, looking down at the hand that had been bitten a few days ago. It was normal now, like he'd never been bitten. "Okay come here, stand up." Ashton demanded and Luke slowly stood up. Ashton lifted Luke up by his thighs, before climbing in to the bath and sitting down Luke in his lap, the water to his waist. Luke whimpered.

Luke nuzzled in to Ashton's neck and nibbled softly, his nails digging in to Ashton's hips. "Baby, loosen your grip." Luke pulls his hands away, glancing at them to see blood in the water and he screwed his eyes closed. "What's wrong?" Ashton cooed quietly. "Why don't you like the water, I put in a bath bomb."

Luke shook his head, "I-I don't know."

But he did, he knew something had happened because of that damn weird kitten. The fur colour was different, so was the cat. Luke was worried.

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