chapter three

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Luke woke up the next morning, well afternoon as he woke up at three in the afternoon. Luke climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Luke made himself some cereal then looking at his pale small hand seeing the bandage, blood had seeped through.

Luke sighed and finished his cereal before taking off the bandage. Luke scrunched his brows in confusion at his hand. Last night it had deep bite marks that had bled a lot but now, nothing was there.

Luke washed the dried blood off his hand and rubbed it off in confusion. "The fuck?" He mumbled.

Luke sighed and washed his bowl and spoon before his doorbell rang. Luke knew it was Ashton so he hopped to the door and opened it revealing Ashton standing there. "Hello Kitten." He welcomed and kissed Luke deeply. "Did you just wake up?"

"Mhm, just had breakfast." Luke smiled, kissing him again. He continued to kiss him pushing them inside and shutting the door behind them. "How was the shoot?" Luke asked as Ashton lifted him up by his thighs.

"Good, I had to get naked." He giggled and Luke pressed his lips to Ashton's neck. "You alright, baby? Anything happen after I dropped you off at the shop."

Luke was set down on the sofa, Ashton sitting next to him and Luke cuddled in to him. "The cashier checked me out." Luke breathed in to Ashton's neck, pecking the skin.

"Hm, what else?" Ashton questioned.

"Cat bit me." Luke blushed and Ashton looked down at him and laughed. "It was cute and fluffy and then it just bit me so I went home."

"Where's the mark?" Ashton questioned and Luke lifted his right hand. Ashton took it inspecting his hand, nothing being here. "There's nothing there, kitten."

"It healed; last night there was loads of blood and then this morning I change the bandage and it's healed." Luke sat up, "I'm not making it up, I swear."

"I believe you, baby." Ashton assured him, but he didn't believe him. "Maybe it's like teen wolf and you'll become a werecat." Ashton laughed and Luke pouted slapping his chest. Luke straddled Ashton and wrapped his arms around his neck, his chin on his shoulder. "Tell that cashier, you have a boyfriend next time though."

"I will, Daddy."

"God, you'll be the death of me."

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