chapter seven

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"Because my boyfriend bit him."

Ashton glared at the boy, stepping outside and shutting the door to, so it wouldn't lock him out. "What the fuck do you mean?" Ashton growled and the boy walked down the steps, Ashton following.

"My boyfriend Michael, went missing a few weeks ago. When he came home ago, he was crying and sobbing saying he bit someone. When he bites someone they turn in to a hybrid, a kitten specifically since he is a kitten." The man explained. "I just wanted to talk to the blonde kid, so Michael can apologise because he feels like shit."

Ashton stared at the guy, "He's sleeping, can you come back later?"

The guy nodded, "My names Calum by the way."

"Ashton." Ashton shook his hand, "The blonde is Luke."

"I'll come back with Michael at six?" Ashton nodded and Calum walked a little down the road and got in to his car before driving away. Ashton went back inside, seeing Luke still asleep on the sofa. So Ashton took him upstairs to his pink sheeted bed and set him under the covers tucking him in before getting in beside him.

Ashton kissed the back of Luke's neck and smiled softly. He watched as his ears shrunk and disappeared, his tail doing the same and his whiskers went back in to Luke's cheeks, making him scrunch his nose up.

Ashton smiled because he was so damn lucky, and so happy, so in love.

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