chapter nine

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Luke rolled around on the floor, Michael meowing beside him. "Do you want to go outside?" He asked Luke who stopped rolling and looked up at Michael beneath him.

"I don't think Ash would like that." Luke purred, rolling over and standing up on his paws. He nudged against Michael's neck. "I don't wanna go missing, I have a shoot tomorrow." He purred.

"We can go to the garden." Michael nuzzled.

"Luke! Mikey!" Ashton yelled from the kitchen, setting down the bowl of kitten food. Calum was sat on the counter of Ashton's house, he was telling Ashton what he can and can't feed them as kittens as they were still a kitten and things could kill them in that form.

"Nothing too big that could block their airways too." Calum said and Ashton nodded, the kittens running in to the room and Ashton rubbed Luke behind the ears making him purr before they dug in to their food. "Would you let Luke go outside alone? Michael likes to go out at night--"

"I'm not allowing my boyfriend outside in kitten form, he can barely control himself right now." Calum nodded to Ashton's words.

"Maybe if we met up and then the two went off together they could--"

Ashton shook his head, interrupting Calum. "I don't want Luke going outside like that." Calum sighed but nodded. "I'm sorry but Luke's new to this and I don't half understand it."

Ashton felt a pawing at his feet on his shoes and looked down to see kitten Luke, meowing. Ashton bent down and picked him up, cuddling him closely. "I love Luke and I don't want him being picked up by a stranger because he's so small and cute and I trust Luke but I would just worry too much."

Luke licked Ashton's cheek, understanding his words. He nosed at him before purring softly. Luke wriggled before being put down to the floor and he ran off upstairs and turned to his human self again. He put on some clothes before going downstairs and kissing Ashton's cheek. "I love you." He mumbled.

Ashton smiled, "I love you too."

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