chapter five

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Luke nuzzled in to Ashton neck, purring softly. "Daddy, want you." He mumbled softly, biting his neck.

Ashton moved his head to the side to give Luke more room as he sucked a hickey in to Ashton's neck and Ashton's hand went up to Luke's hair and tugged softly moaning. Ashton's eyes opened and suddenly he pulled Luke back as his eyes widened. "Holy shit."

Luke stared in confusion as Ashton shoved Luke off and stood up off the bed. "W-What?" Luke asked softly, upset his boyfriend pushed him away.

"You have fucking ears!" Ashton yelled.

Luke scrunched his brows, "Well yeah, to hear people." He said in a duh tone but Ashton rolled his eyes.

Ashton stepped closer and grabbed Luke's cheek. "Baby, not those ears." He said, and raised his hand to the top of Luke's head, his fingertips going across the fur of the kitten ears on Luke's head and it twitched. Luke purred before slapping a hand across his mouth. "These ears, kitten."

Luke stood up and went to his mirror and his mouth fell open at the sigh of them, "What the fuck?" He squeaked, turning around to Ashton. "I have fucking ears!"

Ashton came over and kissed Luke, "It's okay baby, calm down." He cooed, holding Luke's cheeks as he cried, tears falling down his red cheeks. "We'll sort this out, yeah? W-What happened to make this happen?"

"It was t-that cat, the one I told you that bit me. The bite healed and I don't like baths anymore and now I have ears and I keep fucking purring--"

"Ssh, breath kitten." Ashton continued to coo but Luke glared at him. "What?"

"Don't call me that fucking name, Ashton." Luke cussed him out, jabbing his stomach.

"Sorry, I always call you it." He apologised and kissed Luke's forehead. "I can stop if you want."

"Just for now." Luke whispered. "Let me figure out this first."

"Do you have a tail?" Ashton questioned next and Luke slapped his chest, pushing him to his bed. "What? You might have."

Luke huffed and shoved his pink and grey sweats down, and kicked them down, before turning around to Ashton, so he saw his bum. "Shit." Ashton cursed.

"What is it? Do I have a tail?"

"Yeah but your ass looks great."

"You're dead."

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