I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story)

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How It All Begins


Persephone’s POV:

I had been in a relationship with Dan Howell, or "danisnotonfire," for a year and a half. We were so happy, perfect for each other it seemed. My best friend, Crystal, was dating Dan's best friend, Phil Lester, or AmazingPhil, for two years. We were all one big happy family, and I loved it.

But that was almost a year ago.

Because all of our lives changed the one day Dan and I fucked up, and didn't use a condom, and I missed my monthly dose of birth control. And four long, antagonizing weeks later of constantly vomiting and the missing of my period, I received the scariest news I'd ever been given in my life.

I was carrying Dan’s child. I had almost been a month pregnant, and thankfully Dan wasn't with me that day. He was out having a “Fantastic Foursome,” day with PJ, Phil, and Chris. I had returned to our flat that day, sobbing, heartbroken. 

I knew what I had to do the moment I returned home to the flat. I told Crystal what was going on, and she agreed to keep it a secret. I had gone to my room, packed my things, and sobbingly wrote a goodbye letter to Dan, hoping he’d move on and not hate me for this. Because I loved him, and this was for the best.

I left Dan, Crystal, and Phil that night.

And I haven’t returned since. 

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now