Chapter 12 Moving in

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Hey y'all! I know its been forever since I updated! And I'm really sorry about that! I've been really busy!! So heres a new chapter!!

Niall's POV

Jesse and I have been dating for almost a year now! And today I'm going to ask her to move in with me! I'm really excited and nervous at the same time. But, I'm ready to take the next step in our relationship with her! And now that tour is over, I figured that this is the best time to do ask her!

When I got up this morning around 9:30, I slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, then headed over to Jesse's and Jamie's shared place. I knew Jesse wouldn't be getting up anytime soon, so I decided to surprise her by being there when she woke up, because we haven't seen each other since tour ended.

When I walked in, Jamie was in the kitchen eating breakfast. "What are you doing here this early?? You know good and well that girl aint gonna be up for a while!" "How about a 'hey Niall! Good to see you!' instead I got that!" I said laughing. Jamie just rolled her eyes and laughed as well. After my sarcastic remark to Jamie, I said?!"But yeah I know she wont be up for a while. I'm gonna surprise her. She has no clue I'm coming." "Awwh! But you do realize you'll scare her more than you will surprise her?!" Jamie said. "Oh well!" I simply said. Jamie laughed at my answer.

I walked back to Jesse's room quietly opening the door. After I closed the door and turned around, the first thing I saw was Jesse still sound asleep in her bed. I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw my beautiful girlfriend still sound asleep in her bed. I quietly made my way over to her bed and got under the covers with her.

About 10:30, I hear a "Jamie get out of my bed." I wanted to say "I aint Jamie!" but I wanted to keep it a total surprise that I was here so I didn't say anything. Not even 5 minutes later, she goes "I said Jamie get out of my bed!" I couldn't said " take it any longer so I said "I know you're not talking to me!" When I said that, Jesse said "Wait a minute, I know that accent!" then immediately sat up opened her eyes. When she realized it was me, she yelled "NIALLER!!!" then wrapped her arms around me just as tight as I wrapped my arms around her.

Jesse's POV

"I missed you baby girl!" Niall said sweetly. I unwrapped my arms from around him, and said"I missed you too Nialler!! I can't believe you're here!! How long have you been here?!" "I figured I would come surprise you when you woke up later on but never mind! I haven't been here long probably about 30 minutes!" "I needed this surprise! Now I wish you would've woke me up when you got here!" "I definitely wasn't going to, because I know how late it is when you get home from work at night!" "You're too good to me!" I said leaning in for a long awaited kiss!

"Speaking of that, do you have to work tonight??" Niall asked me. "You know it." I said sadly. The huge grin Niall had dropped almost instantly after I said that. "I'm sorry Ni... I wish I could get tonight off but I don't think I can, because I got the whole summer off. Unless I can get Jamie to take my shift the next few nights! I'll be right back I'm gonna go ask her!" "Okay. Hurry!"

"Hey Jam! Will you do me a huge favor?!" I said hoping this will work! "Depends." "Will you take my shift the next few nights?! Pleaseeee!" "Of course I will! Only because Niall's here and i know you're beyond exhausted from getting home after 11 every night for 5 days a week!" "Really Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" "Of course dear! Now go get your butt back in the bed!" "I am! Thanks Jam!" I said happily.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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