Chapter 7

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*A/N: Haiiii! if you want while readin the chapter, listen to the song "Waiting for Superman" by Daughtry! (doesnt really go with the setting at the beginning! but towards the end is where it comes into play!)*

Niall's P.O.V
So after about 20 minutes, Jesse's doctor, Dr.Adams walked in! But before she could get her stiches out, they had to take an x-ray just to make sure her stiches were ready to come out.

Thank god they were! Jesse was not gonna be happy at all if she had to have them in any longer!!

*2 hours later*

Jesse's P.O.V
After I got my stiches out, Niall took me out to lunch!! I bet you're thinking we went somewhere fancy. Haha no! We actually went to Subway!! Tbh, I didn't care where we went!!

After we ate lunch, out of no where, Niall says "Hey how about tonight me and you have our first date! How does that sound?"
"Sure!! I think honestly, you picked the best night to do it! What were you plannin on doin? Because Lee Brice is in town and I would love to go see him!! If that's ok with you!!"
"I really hadn't planned anything yet, so goin to see Lee Brice sounds perfect!!"
"Really? I mean we can do whatever! It doesn't matter to me!!"

Right as Ni was about to say something, out of nowhere, a girl screams "OH MY GOD ITS NIALL HORAN" and Niall mutters under his breath, "shit." I laughed at him! Then I took his keys and said "I'll be in the car!" He said "Nah-ah no way! You're staying in here with me!!" I gave him the puppy dog face and kept pointing at my knee, but he said "You're not goin anywhere Princess!" And all the girls went 'awwww' as Ni kissed me right there infront of all of them! GOD I LOVE HIM!!!!!!

After about 10 minutes of just standin there, I finally sat down, because my knee started to hurt. I haven't iced it all day, and I need to before our date tonight!

later that day..
It was almost 6 and the concert starts at 8! I was wondering where Niall was! Then I heard the door bell ring, and I yelled to Jamie "Be back later!! Niall's here!"
"Ok! Have fun! Don't stay out too late!" she yelled back!

When I opened the door, Niall stood there with a dozen roses in his hand, and gave them to me!

He had on black jeans, his gray hoodie (that I love!), converse and his green snapback that has his name on it!

When I walked out the door, I grabbed his hand, and intertwined our fingers! I stood on my tip-toes and pecked his lips! Then he gave me his snapback me, and I giggled!

When we got to the venue, Niall said "Hey Princess, can i ask you something?"
"Yes! 'Course!"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" when he asked me that i didnt know what to do! i couldnt believe it!! When he asked me that i said almost immediately, "YES YES YES!!! A MILLION TIMES YES!!!!!" he picked me up and we kissed! Sparks flew! I knew he was the one for me!

1 hour later...

Lee Brice, finally came on stage after Dan + Shay opened for him! When they played 19 You + Me, Niall and I slow danced to it! He would spin me around during parts of it and when it was over, we kissed! * A/N: Aint Niall sweet!! *

When Lee Brice played I Don't Dance, Niall said "Hey Princess! You sure ya don't dance? Because what's you're doin now says different!" then I said "This is all the dancing you'll ever see me do Horan! And when I'm playing Just Dance! That's it!" He laughed at me and then he spun me around just so he could wrap his arms around my waist! My back was against his chest, his arms were around my waist, my hands around his neck, and we were swaying along to the beat of the music! *a/n: sorry! had t say this real quick! if ya listen t country music like i do then youll get the line 'beat of the music!'*

Then he played Drinking Class! I was jumping up and down blurtin out the lyrics durin the chours! I kept yelling "COS I BELONG TO THE DRINKING CLASS! MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY MAN WE BUST OUR BACKS!" He did a cover of Eric Paslay's song "Friday Night" and coincidently it was Friday! My favorite line from that song is "I WANNA BE YOUR LEMONDE IN THE SHADE, MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, COS YOU JUST GOT PAID BABY! ... I WANNA SET YOU FREE I WANNA TAKE YOU HIGH I JUST WANNA BE YOUR FRIDAY NIGHT!"

I really want a beer now, but y'know I'm only 18 and I still gotta wait 3 more years!

When I looked at my phone, to check the time. It was officially midnight! But the best part was, that the concert was no where mear close to bein over!!

Niall bought me a cowboy hat, so i could start getting all of my autographs on it! So I made my way up to the stage in attempt to get Lee Brice to sign it! HE DID!!!! I WAS FREAKING OUT!!! Niall couldn't believe it! HECK NEITHER COULD I!!! Then I got a text from BK, ( Brian Kelley of FGL ) and he said "Did he ask you yet?!?!?" I said "Yes he did!" "Well, what'd ya say?!?" "Well of course I said YES!!!" "Congrats Jesse! Me and T are so happy for yall!!" Then I said, "Thanks guys! I love yall like brothers but I gotta go! He took me to see Lee Brice and we're still partying with Lee!" After I sent it, and he read it. I got a message that said, "Ooh lala fancay!-T-Hubb"

The last song that was played, was Parkin Lot Party!! I frick frackin love that song!!!

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