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A/N: ok guys I'm sooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy. But I'll make this one extra long so y'all can have a great update.

Nialls POV

Wow! That's all I say to myself when I see Jesse!!

She's beautiful, perfect, everything a guy could ask for really!!!

I miss her so much!!!! UGH!!! The pain of being away from her is unbearable.

Jesse's POV

I had to fly back home to the states for a while. Why? Because I was about to have my ACL (A/N: idk what an ACL is. All I know is its a muscle in your knee.) surgery. I tore it a couple months ago while playing basketball. I didn't tell Niall why I had to fly home, because if I did, I knew he would freak!!!

N: Hey princess!! I miss you already come back soon!!! Xx -Ni

Niall texted me while I was waiting in the airport. My flight hasn't boarded yet.

I'll be back as soon as I can I promise!!!! I miss you too!!!

N: Why'd you have to go anyway????

Ok. Do you want to know the real reason I had to leave???


Ok. I have a torn ACL and I couldn't take the pain anylonger. So I called my doctor last week and scheduled surgery to fix my ACL. And I might not be back for a while, because I'll be in so much pain. But the reason I didn't tell you was that I was afraid that you would see me differently than you do now. I also didn't tell you because I knew you would freak and leave the boys and the tour to come help me until I'm back on my feet.

N: Oh my god... Jesse I-I-I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry you've been experiencing so much pain, and I was makin you walk around. I'm coming right away I'll book a flight for tommorrow and I will be with you while your recovering. What time is your surgery at???

Babe its fine. I mean yes I was in a lot of pain and still am, but don't worry about it Niall, I'll be fine. NO DONT YOU DARE LEAVE THE TOUR BECAUSE OF ME!!!!!!!!!! It's at 10:30 AM tommorrow. Jamie is coming home with me Niall, she'll take good care of me!!!!

"FLIGHT 108 TO MACON,GEORGIA IS NOW BOARDING" our flight was announced so we had to go.

N: Who is picking y'all up from the airport?

My friend Cassie. She'll be waiting for us when we land.

N: Ok! Have a good flight babe!!!!

Hey Niall ilysm baby but I've gotta go. Our flight is boarding. I'll call you when we land in Macon. 😘😘😘 xx

N: Ok. I'll be waiting. And ily 2!!!!xx😘😘

I turned my phone off because we were about to take off.

Ja: What's wrong Jesse? Are you ok?

Jamie asked me breaking me out of my thoughts.

Nothing. I'm just in a lot of pain and I really miss Niall!! And I'm not the biggest fan of planes/heights.

Ja: I know your in a lot of pain. I really miss Harry too!!! You'll be ok. It's only a 2 hour flight.

Nialls POV

I'm really worried about the girls. Especially Jesse!!!

All the sudden my phone rings breaking me out of my thoughts. It was Jesse!!!

Je: Hey babe!! We just landed!!!

Ok!! How was your flight?

Je: It was good!!

My One True Love ( A Niall Horan Fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora