2 - Daniela "Danny" Grant

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Chapter Two---Daniela Grant

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"Mom! Moooom!"

"What is it Daniela?!"

"Have you seen my grey sweater? I'm going out with Aubree soon and I can't find it!"

"Maybe if you cleaned your room like I told you, you wouldn't have such trouble finding things!"

Danny rolled her eyes and sighed, dropping to her knees to check under her bed for the missing top. Despite what her mother said her room wasn't messy. It was a bit cluttered sure but, besides the grey top, Danny knew where everything was and it all had a place. She'd been collecting things since she was thirteen years old and she hadn't quite reached the status of being a hoarder simply because the things she collected were actually of some value. That and she never had more than one.

Danny had gotten the risky habit from her father who owned his own chain of antique shops and often brought her presents home or let her sort through the items he found before he put them on sale. Like Danny, her father was a down to earth man and was never too serious. He was tall and aging slowly but his smile was young and his eyes were bright. Danny's parents had met in their second year of college where her mother was studying to become a journalist and her father an entrepreneur.

Their first meeting had been a disaster. Her father was advertising his new store on the streets and her mother was rushing to an interview for a new job with the local news station. Long story short the two collided, her father's sign as well as his shirt was destroyed, and her mother missed her interview. If the dreadful meeting wasn't a sign that the two shouldn't have been compatible their personalities were. Danny's mother was organized and professional and completely OCD while her father was a free spirit who didn't believe in order and quite literally went where the wind took him.

When he was twenty-two he packed his things and moved in the spur of the moment one day simply because that day's temperature was better somewhere else.

Anyway, after many terrible first dates and carefully thought out insults passed between the two, they were somehow able to reach a common ground and quickly fell in love after a few months of dating on and off. After a year of dating, Danny's mother became pregnant with her and marriage came soon after that. To this day the two still bickered over simple things and the house was divided --one side in order while the other collected more and more tokens-- but the love between them couldn't be denied. They made it work and, as crazy as it may have looked from the outside, the inside was warm, safe, and filled with genuine love between two people.

Danny finally found her sweater in a chair in the corner of her room beneath her school bag. She quickly pulled it on and stopped in front of the full body mirror attached to the inside of her closet door. Another thing that she didn't have in common with her mother was a sense of style. Danny's mother was beautiful and carried herself in a way that implied she knew just that. She was professional, kind, and dressed to impress every day of her life.

Danny lived in t-shirts and jeans and baggy sweaters when the weather was cold. On a good day, she'd apply a thin layer of makeup but that was about it. You couldn't get much from her when it came to any type of effort in appearance.

"Danny! Aubree is here!"

Working her dark hair into a messy bun on the top of her head, Danny grabbed her bags and rushed downstairs, kissing her mother's cheek before leaving the house and smiling at the light blue Volkswagen Beetle sitting in her driveway.

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