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Mercedes POV

"Harry that's enough" I shout and try to pull him off of the boy but he ignores me and continues to wrestle him right in front of the big diner. You would think that after what harry said to me he'd stop but no was I wrong, I should've known

"You think you can just do that and try to get away with it!?!" Harry asks the boy he is literally punching I'm about to yell again but I stop when I see police officers pulling harry off the boy then putting harry in handcuffs. Shit.

"Wait sir please don't do this!!" I beg frantically and try to walk the pace the police officer is walking. "It's ok babe just meet me at the jail to bail me out" he trys to comfort me

"I don't think I can" I say to harry he tries to turn to me but the officer doesn't allow him instead he shoves him in the car and closes the door. You can hear harrys screams of protest

"Mercedes you better be at that jail" he yells but it also comes out muffled I shake my head at him and walk away I hear the screeching of the car tires.

I don't notice that I'm crying till when I rub my hands over my face. "Shit" I mutter I look up to see all the people here still just staring at me. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!" I scream at them frightened they quickly shuffle away.

That's what I thought. "Excuse me miss you need to be checked for any injuries also" I whip around to see a shirt old lady medic. "I'm fine" I assure her but she shakes her instead "He insist" she points to the boy at the back of the ambulance truck he waves or at least tries to but he throws it down in pain

Harry dislocated his arm. Nodding to her I walk to the truck and sit beside the boy as they check me for anything. "I'm sorry this happened to you, but you kinda deserved it" I said to him he nods in agreement

"Your right I should've stopped but I just couldn't" he says I want to roll my eyes "Your bruised" the medic says looking at my neck I'm confused until I realize what indeed she is looking at the boy who I have not learned the name of yet chuckles but then groans in pain

"Oh no that's a umm... Hickey" I say quite embarrassed she nods then gathers her things "your good to go" she says and walks away I get up from sitting "I need to go now" I say he doesn't look up at me he stays crouched

I run to the parking lot and jump into Harry's car. I look in the glove compartment and unlock my phone I have 1 unknown missed call I put my phone into my pocket and drive, more like speed to the station

When I get there I immediately go to the front desk "My name is Mercedes-"I didn't get to finish cause the man at the front desk whipped up his head when I said my name "ohhh your Mercedes" he says he presses a button and bit even a second later a woman comes through the double doors "Mercedes Styles?" She ask I nod my head "Yes" I say she shakes her head "Come with me"

She doesn't give me a chance to speak she walks away and I follow her she walks into a room on the corner and I follow in suit.

There is a table and two chairs. Its an interrogation room. "Don't worry just have a seat I just want to ask you some questions" I nod and take a seat she does as well "How come the officer at the front desk recognised my name" I say

She chuckles "oh that..  Well umm your husband passed through with a fellow officer and he kept screaming about calling a Mercedes, we just thought he meant the car. We gave him his one phone call and he was quite pissed caused he broke our phone" she shrugs

"I'm sorry" I gush out "It's fine he was mad his wife didn't listen" she says "He said that?" I asked she nods

"So where is he?" I question "He is in a cell we will let him out when you finish answering these questions" I let out the breath I've been holding in

"Ok can you please tell me what happened and start from the beginning" she says and takes out a note pad

"Ok" I say and start to recollect everything

"Come on harry stop it" I giggle and try to unwrap his arms from around me as we walk to ladevelles the diner

"Oh you know you love it" he says seductively I shake my head no as we walk into the crowded diner. We take a seat by the glass windows  in the front.

"I'm going to order, you want what I'm getting?" He asks "Burger and fries with strawberry milkshake right" I reply back "Yes" he says and leaves to order but not without kissing me on the forehead first

Watching as he walks away to go order I jump in my seat when I hear a bang on the window "Baby let me take you out?" The guy says he has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes

I shake my head no he pouts "Aww come on please babe" he begs his friends laughing at the situation I shake my head no again and pretend like I'm staring at the menu

After about a minute or two I look up again he's gone. I sigh and look at harry he's now ordering the girl who is taking our order leans over the counter her shirt buttons are open to the point where you see her tits. Her small tits...

I roll my eyes. He has a WIFE miss. But my frown turns into a smirk when I see harry point my way I wave to him. The bitch rolls her eyes and leans back. Smiling I look at the menu then I feel someone slide into the booths.

"So you..." And I stop when I see the person isn't harry but its the boy from the window "So babe you thought I was gonna give up huh?" My eyes open wide and I look at harry he is already looking over here. Shit.

"You need to leave now, I have a boyfriend who is going to be here" I rush he just shakes his head "Your really pretty" he says I look at Harry he is walking over here. Shit. Shit. Shit. ""Is there a problem" harry says to the boy

"Naww man just trying to score if you know what I'm saying" he laughs harry chuckles along with him then you see Harry forcefully picks him up and slam him into the window "harry" I start to say

"Your trying to score with what's mine" he snaps and slams him again thus breaking the window

"Harry let him go!" I yell but he doesn't listen instead he sorta flings him out the window. Oh lord.

"Fuck!" The boy says as he lands on his right arm. Harry jumps through the window and lands right on top of him but before Harry throws a punch the boy kicks Harry in his family jewels

Harry doubles over in pain the boy somehow gets up and I stand in between them. Harry goes to attack him but I put my hands on his chest to stop his movements gladly he does

"Harry, babe stop ok it's nothing" I turn to look at the glass on the floor "Harry it's over ok?" I tell him he just stares behind at the boy not looking at me once

"Wow man you got one sexy bitch" the boy whistles and that's when Harry lunges forward knocking me down in the process and starts punching the kid

I finish with my story telling and she nods she was occasionally jotting down things. She was about to speak until a knock on the door interrupted her "If you will excuse me" she straightens her shirt and walks to the door opening it she speaks to the person outside

The male sounds quite angry "I understand" she says and shuts the door turning to me she says " Well it looks like your husband will be staying the night in the cells"

Shocked I sit up from my seat "What... how come?" I say she shakes her head in disappointment

"Harry has assaulted an officer"


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