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Mercedes POV

"Right, left, left!" Jecka shouts as lifts up the hitting pads. I do as he says breathing through each punch to the pad. He takes me by surprise when he try's to hit me in the head. The blow comes fast knocking the mouth piece out of my mouth. "Remember what I told you, always stay on guard." He snaps

"That's it for today." He sighs but I shake my head wiping my forehead ridding it from the sweat. "One more time." He watches me with hooded eyes but nods.

"Alright" he claps the pads harshly together. "Right jab, left jab! Under hook!" I do as he says harshly hitting the pad, his face gives a look of surprise and he starts stepping back when I push forward.

Again he tries to surprise me with the pad moving over my head but I quickly duck and when I reach his level instead of hitting the pad I punch him straight in the face.

He falls on the floor groaning. I smirk to myself taking off the gloves. "Damn Calloway." He huffs laughing to himself fixing his jaw. "It feels like it's only been a year that your here and your dominating the trainer."

"It's been a year." I tell him "As a matter of fact I'll always dominate the trainer" I stand on my tip toes to kiss his cheek "see ya later" I wave at him good bye. He gives me a bewildered look. "Good job today!" He yells

I smile to myself, I walk to my car in the parking lot. I pull out of the gyms parking lot and I drive to the new flat I bought a little over a year ago. When I reach my place I say hello to my dog max. "Hey boy no intruders today huh?" I ask the golden retriever. He barks in reply which makes me smile because when he licks my face I know that everything was in the clear.

I take a shower and after words I change into my pajamas. About to fall asleep my phone rings. "Hey mom!" I say cheerfully

"Hey Mercedes, how's it going over there? I feel like it was just yesterday you've found your own place." She says sniffling. I laugh at her "Mom relax. Anyhow enough about me how's Jordan and Denise?"

Then she breaks into a full on story on how Denise supposedly has a boyfriend. 'And she's 7' quotes my mom

"Alright mom I'll have to call you back, I went to the gym today and I'm pretty tired." I pout

"That's good that your learning to defend yourself after all that's happened with Harry-" she goes to say more but I cut her off. I haven't heard or said his name in a year. "I don't want to talk about him." My demeanor changes

"He still sends letters to the house, he thinks you still live here." She says it in a whispering tone "Jordan says he might go down there to tell him to stop."

"No!" I unintentionally shout "Don't do that, your giving him what he wants, he wants one of us to visit him, don't do it."  I chaste

Max comes into my room barking like crazy. "Mom I'll have to call you back." I tell her. We say our I love you's and she hangs up.

"What's the matter boy?" I ask following him out of my room and into the kitchen. Knocking is evident, harsh knocking. My heart starts to speed up. It's not him, it wouldn't be him... It can't be him.

I remember what jecka taught me. Walking up the door I take a breather then I fearlessly open the door and there I'm met with...Andre.

"Omg Andre you scared the shit out of me." I laugh, he chuckles lightly "I'm sorry it's cold and I'm freezing. And I forgot my key." He laughs and he smiles at me but then diverts his attention to the over excited dog "Hey max! Who's a good boy?! Who's a good boy?!" Max jumps around Andre barking and licking his face

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