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Mercedes POV

I didn't sleep all that night. I was busy rolling around the King sized bed. The event playing over and over in my mind. It has been months since Harry had put his hands on me. It all seemed so foreign to have his hands on my face so violently. I regret not leaving him and this place going to back to Brooklyn.

I should've listened to my friends, My family, My mom who I barely talk to now. And even Gemma, Harrys sister they all warned me but I was to lovestruck to see the real Harry styles now Im married to him with no way out. I jolt at the sound of the alarm clock signaling harry to wake up for work.

I keep my eyes closed so I could avoid confrontation with him. He groans and lifts his arm from around me. I hear his heavy footsteps walk on the wood floor. I then hear the closing of the door probably the bathroom. My eyes are still tightly shut. I feel the light being turned on as the light hits my eye lids. Drawers are closing and opening.

"Baby Im going to work now ok?" he lightly shakes my arm I nod my head puling the covers over my head. In seconds its being ripped off of me "Don't ignore me" he growls pinning my arms down as he sits next to me on the bed. "Im sorry"

He lets go of me harshly banging my hands on the bed. "I'll be back by 5, when I get back home be ready we're going out" he slams the door. I sit up the bed trying to hear harry close the front door. When I do I quickly get up changing into shorts and a tank top, looking into the mirror the purple bruise shows on my face he must've slapped me really hard to leave a bruise on my brown skin. I cover it up. Grabbing my purse I grab my sneakers and rush out the house.

I realize now that before I wasn't really trying to leave him but he's dangerous. I probably sound bipolar because yesterday we were having sex but he does that to get his way. He took his car so I have no choice but to walk. Hence the sneakers shorts and tank top.

Eventually I make my way to footlocker sighing I step in leaning against the door. "You ok there?" Opening my eyes Im meet with Andre. "You don't work today remember?" he questions wiggling his eyebrows. "Did harry come here?" I ask looking around Andre grabs my hand leading me to the back "What's wrong?" his face is stern I couldn't help it but break down into tears he pulls me into a hug "I cant anymore Dre I just cant" He wraps his arms around me my head in is chest "Tell me"

And I do just that I tell him everything and I mean everything I don't even know if he wont spill anything to anybody but Im to numb to care. "Why the hell didn't you speak to the police?" his accent very heavy I shake my head in response "I thought divorce papers would help," I stop to hiccup "But he would never sign them and they take to long to process" He registers everything "Theres nothing left to do Andre"

He separates us then starts to pace "What about" he taps his chin when he thinks about something important "A restraining order!"

Looking deep into his eyes eventually It registers "Yeah but those take long right?"

He shakes his head "All you need is proof of psychical contact or harassment" I wipe my face with my hand it stings bad. His eyes widen. "Lets go now to the station" he drags me out the store with Rob calling behind him.

We reach his bike and I hop on I was never really afraid of motorcycles.

I unintentionally wrap my arms around his waist as he rides. The police station is actually pretty far from the house.

So it took approximately 15 minutes to get there. Andre didn't waste anytime he took off my helmet and lead our way inside. "Ms. Styles, right?" The officer lady who questioned me before asked

"Umm yes" looking at Andre he gives me a knowing look "I'm here for a restraining order" she looks at me and processes what I said "Let's go then"

I pull Andre with us but she stops me "He cannot come"

I go to protest but he tightens his hand on mine "It's ok it's only protocol, go" I nod at him

She leads me into a room, not one like last time it's different. "Ok let's begin"

She begins questioning me. About Harry. I tell her everything when it all started and up until now. It took 3hours. Now it's 4:00. Harry will be home in 1 hour.

"Sign the papers". She hands me the pen. "So what happens now?" I ask getting giddy. "One of the officers here will serve him." Usually we take it to the judge in the other city but luckily he's here, so he'll sign it now."

I wipe a hand over my bruised face. "This will keep him away?" I ask unsure

She nods "Exactly" she gets up and so do I "Thank you so much" I shake her hand "Of course, abusive relationships need to be stopped"

"When will he be served?" I don't want to be there when he gets the paper "2-3 days we try to give it as fast as possible"

Walking into the lobby, Andre jumps out of his seat. "Everything alright?" I look at officer Boman and nod my head at him "Yeah" I grab his hand "2-3days" she reminds me "Here take my number, if any questions" She writes on a little card. I take it but then I remember harry had broken my phone due to jealousy. Andre takes it from my hands giving me a curt nod "I'll put it in my cell" and I walk at the police station a weight lifted from my shoulders

"I'm tired" I say sleepily "Be happy" he says putting the helmet on my head wrapping my arms around his waist as he drives his motorcycle

"What time is it!" I yell over the cars I think he laughs "I wouldn't know I'm otherwise preoccupied" he revs the bike

It seems like minutes since we reached the house. Getting off I thank him "No problem, what are friends for?" he smiles "Without you I'd probably still be a punching bag" he just hugs me

"See you at work" he winks shaking my head I walk inside. Looking out the window he drives off. I walk to the living room and plop myself down on the couch

Looking at the cable box. It reads 5:00. I shriek and run upstairs. Quickly throwing clothes around. I settle on black jeans and shirt. With my boots.

I run back downstairs. And wait on the couch I causally turn on the tv as I hear the front door slam. My heart rate increases.

Here we go.

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