One day at a time

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Mercedes POV

"Oh my." I moan as Andre kisses my neck. "Does that make you feel good?" He questions

His lips inching downward. "Hmm" I nod barely getting the words out. His lips feel so good against me

Just as he starts to unbutton my pants, his phone rings making him groan in response.

A giggle escapes my lips. "It's work." He sighs

He pulls on his pants and shirt. "I'll see you tonight?" He ask taking a seat on the bed

"Not tonight, I'm hanging with Denise and Jordan." I tell him and he nods "Alrighty then." He pats my thigh getting up off the bed once his shoes are tied.

"I'll see you when I get back." I hop out of bed wrapping the sheets around my body. Walking up to him I give him a peck on the cheeks. He smiles a bright smile.

"I'm glad that you agreed to be my girlfriend." He states

"Yeah, I'm glad to." I smile, "Now go! Your gonna be late." I laugh pushing him out the bedroom

"Yeah your right! Bye Mercedes." He says pecking me on my lips before he leaves the bedroom and soon the apartment door shuts as well.

Smiling to myself I go to take a shower.


"Everybody knows I'm better! Yeah I'm better, it don't matter... pockets fatter!" I sing as I prance around the apartment.

I'm already dressed to go to my mothers house and it's only two o'clock, she doesn't need me for another hour or two. Why I'm dressed early I have now idea. I guess cause I was kinda bored by myself.

Especially not having Andre to keep me company.

Knocking is heard over the loud music. "I'm coming!" I shout turning the music down, jump man plays on low now that 'Do What I Want' is finished

It's probably just Andre. The person knocks again, but this time they don't stop. The knocking continues, and as it does more harsh as I get closer

Confused I walk to the front door. Opening it I'm met with a hooded figure with a brown paper bag in one hand and a cellphone in the other.

"Can I help you?" I question looking at the person whose attention is focused on the ground.

"I think you have the wrong apartment." I say before closing the door but the person sticks their foot in the doorway.

"Wha-" The person pushes the door with force knocking me on the ground. Crawling backwards the guy in the all black closes and locks the door behind him.

When he does this I quickly get up. And I get into my fighting stance.

The figure laughs. Before taking off the hoodie.

I'm met with green eyes and short brown hair

"H-Harry?" I question my posture stiffens

"You're gonna fight me now?" His husky voice questions turning his head to the side, looking around the apartment.

"You're out?" I say. "I wasn't notified." I whisper to myself stepping back when he walks closer. I need to call Andre, Jordan, My mom.

"Got out early. For good conduct." He winks

"They're still supposed to-"

"Anyhow, I didn't have any where else to go and I found out you live here so..."

"You have your house Harry. You live there. The lease is under you name." I snap

"I don't want to go back there!" He bites back making me flinch

"Not without you."

"I have a restraining order against you." I say

"Don't." Is all he says. He places his phone and brown bag on the counter table. "I like the place. It's nice for you, but you won't be staying long."

He walks to the living room. "Excuse me." I say taking his arm turning him around "I don't know who you think you are coming here and-"

"I'm still your husband." He says looking me in my eyes. Reversing so he grips my hand in his

"On paper. The papers which you won't sign. I'm not gonna just stop my life because you can't take no for an answer!"

I can see it in his eyes and he goes for the strike, I notice it and immediately move back from his punch.

"You little-" he stops his words and breathes out, whispering under his breath. It doesn't take me a while to see what he's saying. He's counting.

"I'm sorry about my outburst." He apologizes squeezing his hands into fist

"I just get so angry when I am specifically with you." He says looking me in the eye. I can see the fatigue, the age.

"Harry that's a sign." I sigh stepping closer taking his hands in mine. As a response he holds my hands as well

"When we make each other angry and  fight a lot that is not a healthy relationship." I say pleading him with my eyes, he looks away.

"Do you want someone who brings out the worse in you?" I ask

At this he harshly pulls his hands out of mine. "You know that's not what I meant." He states

"You don't bring out the worse in me Cassie." He says stepping closer "Its actually the complete opposite."

"I make you fight, I make you shout." I cry out

"It was me, it's been me the whole time." I cry. The reason why he's like this is because of me. "I should've ended this a while back." I cry

"No don't say that." He is quick to hug me and I'm to tired to push him away

"I am the way I am because of myself." He ends up saying after awhile "Not you." He kisses me on my forehead

"I'm owning up to it. I'm finally taking responsibility."

Obsession (H.S)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz