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Mercedes POV

I sit back in the couch causally as I flip through the channels. "Are you ready babe?" Harry's deep yet smooth voice speaks beside my ear and he kisses below it.

"Yeah" I get up turning off the television and putting on my leather jacket. He holds my hand as we walk to the door, when we got to the car he buckles me in. The drive to where ever we are going was quiet neither of us saying anything. It being quite akward

He pulls up to Montage a fancy restaurant you'll only need reservations to get in. But knowing Harry he didn't make one.

"Sir your name is not on the list, you need to make a reservation-" Harry cuts him off "Get us a fucking table before I call Javier" Harry threatens the waiter nods his head

"This way please" he grabs the menus and leads us to a secluded booth. "S-someone will be h-here shortly" he stutters walking away

I don't question him knowing that his anger issues will be on a full time high. "What are you getting?" He's acting like he just didn't scare the shit out of the boy "Umm I think I'll take the steak and potatoes" Harry nods his head

When the waiter comes to us Harry waste no time "Steak and potatoes for the lady,well done and Alfredo fettuccine" the elderly woman nods "Drinks"

"White wine for the both of us" she writes it down. Through this whole ordering Harry stares at me the entire time

"Alright that will be here shortly" her Irish accent thick when she walks away Harry still stares at me

"I'm sorry for my behavior, the other night I don't know what took over me" he rubs his hands over his face

"You have to forgive me honey, you have to" he takes my hands in his and kisses my ring "Forgive me it will never happen again, say you will forgive me"

I close my eyes and sigh. He's lying what if I 'anger' him again or do something he won't like I know he will do it again.

Harry squeezes my hand at my lack of response. I knew it. "Harry" I look down to my hand in his tight embrace. He quickly let's go of my hand. "I'm sorry baby, I need work you know that, I have flaws and you help me with that ok?, just give me time, say you'll give me time" his eyes soften

"I-" "Steak and potatoes for the lady" my plate being out in front of me "And for you the fettuccine" and she places the white wine in our glasses "Anything else just wave me over" the lady nods and I smile at her

She walks away and I dig in from keeping myself to answering my husband. "You still didn't give me an answer" I look up at him and he didn't even touch his food yet. Hands clasped in front of him. His ring shines in the light. He cleans it every other morning.

In three days Harry will not be in my life anymore so I just decide to lie about it. "I do forgive you Harry" he starts to smile and he finally picks his fork "Thank you for still believing in me" he starts to eat and I can't help but feel guilty I fell in love with this man, and now I'm doing this behind his back

Maybe this was a mistake, I can try to help him. And we'd be like what we were before. What the fuck Mercedes? Snap the hell out of it he hurt you repeatedly!

"Toast" Harry brings up his wine glass. In confusion I lift up mine and he clinks them together "For still trying" I feel terrible now I filed a restraining order against my husband.

Well we eat in silence but Harry occasionally tried to make small take. "Desert?" the lady asks staring at Harry

He shakes his head. "No thank you I have cake at home" he looks at me licking his lips. Oh my. The lady's eyes widen and she gives Harry back his credit card

"Have a good night" and she rushes away from us. "Let's go" he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. "I'm glad that you haven't given up on me" he kisses my cheek. I feel so guilty now

It takes matter of minutes till we reached the house. "Work was stressful today" he sighs laying on the bed taking out his phone typing something. I miss my phone.

"Don't be so temperate towards me, I'm your husband for Gods sake" he sits up angry now. Not even a few seconds later the house phone rings.

"I'll get it!" I pipe up rushing downstairs I didn't even have time to see the look on his face. I pad to the corner of the living room picking up the blue phone. Andres voice peering through

"Mercedes I got a call from the Ms. Boman she said that the restraining order will be given to Harry on September 3rd" he rushes. That's exactly 3 days a from now. Footsteps are heard coming down the steps. And my heart race picks up, he's gonna catch me

"Who is it Mercedes?" My eyes widen "Now's not a good time listen we'll talk later ok?" I whisper when I hear Harry's steps in the living room

"I just wanted to warn you, remember you didn't want to be near him when it happens, in order to keep you s-" I cut him off not caring at the moment slamming the phone down

"Who was it?" His threatening voice is behind me as he snakes his arms around my waist "Just... Umm Gemma she called to ask about why I didn't answer her earlier today" I lie it was a pretty good one

"Yeah about that phone I don't think you should get one now at this moment, maybe in a few months" At this I turn around in his hold, who does he think he is? I buy my own phone.

"Didn't we talk about you controlling me at dinner, your not the boss of-" he cuts me off with a hard kiss

His tongue licks my lip and he tugs at it, then putting his warm tongue in my mouth which tasted of white wine and I moaned at the feeling.

"I know baby, I know alright why don't I give you an answer till next month, how about that?" He smiles pecking me on the forehead

The feeling gone now replaced by anger and before I know it my hand tingles slapping Harry in the face. The room is scary quite his hand touches his red cheek. "Your not the boss of me" I tell him pointing a finger at him

Walking away I'm being pulled back and slammed to the wall. A harsh blow to my stomach is given and a hard press is received to my face. I gasp for air holding my stomach hunching over.

"You keep forgetting who your married to!" He shouts I'm still coughing and I spit out what seems to be blood.

"I thought you were done with this Harry" I manage to whisper out taking the little puffs of breath I can manage

He sighs from above me and he scoops me up I groan holding my stomach "I need work remember? You'll help me with that" it wasn't even a question he thinks I'm going to stay with him. He also seems to think just because we're married he has some hold on me

I even thought about forgiving him but he did it again, oh how stupid I am. I promised myself I wasn't going to be one of those dumb girls in the movies who lets there boyfriend control every little thing they do.

"I won't be here to fix you though" I mutter under my breath as he lays me on the bed. Luckily he didn't hear me. He kisses me on the forehead "I'm sorry baby, I'll take my pills now will that help" he smooths my hair.

No that will not help. Every time he tells me he will take his pills he just acts the same way from before signaling that he doesn't.

I roll over my side. Wincing at the pain in my stomach. My cheek connects to the cold pillow and it sorta soothes the pain.

He kisses my cheek and lays beside me. "Every thing needs fixing" he breathes out clutching me closer to him. Not caring about the horrendous pain he inflicted on my stomach

"Not everything" I whisper


So... How's life?

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