The Breakup

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Mercedes POV

"So has Mercedes done all the breaking up in the relationship?" She asks us. I focus on my tips, "I've actually broken up with her twice." I nod. "Has that affected you in any way Mercedes?" I finally look up at her with my shades on hiding my baggy eyes "No I can't say it has, it was really in the beginning of our relationship and when I cheated on him." Her eyes go wide in surprise "Cheated on him, I thought..."

"No Mercedes has cheated on me before." Harry interrupts her.

"Well why don't you tell me how it all went down, the first breakup that is." She looks to me and I clear my throat. Here we go.

"Hey babe!" I smile kissing Harry's cheek in the hallway. "Hey." He isn't happy and he's been acting down all week. "What's wrong?" I question. We finally walk out the school and Harry ignores me walking to his group of friends. "Harry..." I say warning him that he's leading us to his friends. It's my first time meeting them and quite frankly they strike me as odd and dangerous individuals. "What's up mate?" The short blonde one ask nodding to Harry "Nothing much." Harry takes a cigarette from the scariest looking one, he has tattoos and piercings and black spiky hair.

"I'm Mercedes." I finally say, they look at me finally, how rude? "I'm Liam, that's Zayn... Louis isn't here today." I nod smiling at them "Nice to meet you." I look to Harry awkwardly and to my dismay he's already staring at me actually glaring.

"Um I think I'm gonna head home there's a cheer meeting after school and I need to get ready." I tell them slowly walking away "Alright it was nice meeting you." Louis says and I smile walking away with a big sigh. They laugh behind me snickering and whispering, of course at me. I hurriedly walk to the bus stop and wipe my tears.

"Let me walk you home." Gary says and I smile politely "Thank you, it's quite dark and I was actually scared." We both laugh "I didn't know the meeting would run this late." I hum in agreement

"So... we finally made the team." I say sighing and he nods. It's quiet for a while and then we start jumping up and down cheering in the streets. "We did it!" He shouts "WOOHOO!" I laugh as he picks me up twirling me around.

"Why did you join?" I question him once he puts me down, he sighs sniffing the air "Aww don't you just love London air, so much like home." He smiles

"I can't relate." We laugh "I joined because I love it, it's amazing." He smiles and I smile as well "And I get to hang out with smoking hot girls."

"Wait aren't you?..." He laughs already getting the question I can't finish "I'm bisexual yes. I love women more though." He winks. Gary isn't that bad looking. He's tall but shorter than Harry has the blue eyes and brown hair. "And besides cheering is fucking fun."

We walk and talk about each other things we like and finally I'm home. "Thanks again GareBear." I smile and he rolls his eyes "No problem babe." He winks and stares walking back I didn't notice before but he's actually hot.

I walk inside and head to the fridge. 'At work until 9 in the morning, can't wait to hear if you made the team moneys in the cabinet buy pizza or Chinese or something.' I sigh taking the money in the cabinet.

"Open your window." I see the text from Harry. Confused I run up to my window and behold Harry is there. I open the window and he jumps in, "I wanted to tell you this in person..." I stop him before he continued saving myself the embarrassment. "You're breaking up with me." I try to stop it but I can't the tears already start falling. It was to good to be true. It's been only a month after he's officially asked me out and he's breaking up with me, "Better now than later when I'm more invested right." I say harshly wiping at the tears "It's your friends isn't it." He sighs biting his lip ring staring at me "I knew it, it's because I'm what a freshman, a nobody because I'm black?" I ask him and he scoffs "Can't it be because I'm not fucking interested in you anymore see Mercedes you always have to escalate shit." He rolls his eyes and I sniffle

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