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After we got back from the dorm, Tsunade-okaa-san said we could have a couple of drinks to celebrate. She gave us a bottle of sake from her alcohol cabinet, which is strictly off-limits for us, and said she'd keep it a secret.

Just to make it clear, though, I don't drink. So guess who was the one who had to control three drunk 18-year old girls with a million emotions?

Me. Obviously. 


Kimi wa my beautiful hangover, hangover...

3S2N's 'Beautiful Hangover' was what woke me up the next morning. Oh, the irony...

Of course, as always, I woke up first. And since that happens, I make breakfast for the girls. I also like to clean up a little around the dorm, since Temari's fan envelopes Ino's dead flowers end up everywhere.

But this morning, I went straight to my phone, started playing 3S2N's 'Beautiful Hangover'--yes, I absolutely think that this is the best song 3S2N has ever made, so I listen to it a hundred times a day--then did my morning routine.

I guess you don't already know, but I am a--no, I am the-- #1 fan of Japan's most popular boy band, 3S2N. Two reasons why:

1. My cousin, Neji Hyuga, is a member.
2. I have a huge fangirl crush on the main rapper, Narui. (I honestly wish on everything you can wish on that we'll collab on a single or something.)

There's just something about him that's just...captivating. He's well known for having whisker marks on her cheeks, which of course comes in handy when he does kawaii fan service.

As the song was ending, Sakura-chan stumbled into the kitchen. Rubbing her eyes, she says, "Good morning, Hinata..."

I smile and reply, "Good morning, Sakura-chan. Want some breakfast?"

She nods, as I place a bowl of steaming ramen in front of her. She looks at it, then looks at me, one eyebrow raised.

I scratch behind my head and nervously chuckle, "I n-need to go grocery shopping l-later. This is all we have."

She nods, understanding, then begins to chow down.

As she was drinking the broth, my phone started playing Neji's single, 'Your Number'. I quickly run to turn it off, because it wasn't released yet.

Sakura-chan wipes her mouth after her meal, "What was that?"

"Neji-nii-san's new single. It hasn't been released yet..." I explain, to which she just shrugs, "Cool. I'm gonna go wake up the girls. Thanks for breakfast, Hina!" She smiles, then leaves the kitchen.

I heave a sigh, "That was close. I almost revealed his new single..."

Subconsciously, my fingers dial Neji's number. Whenever that happens, it means that I want someone to listen to me.

I put my phone to my ear, as I wait for him to pick up.

However, I almost dropped my phone when I heard, "Neji's phone. He's in the bathroom right now. Who's this?"

It was Narui.


Neji told me to hold on to his phone while he was in the bathroom. I agreed because I was curious about if he'll get any texts from the girls he hits on online.

Instead, I feel the phone vibrate violently in my hand. A call. I look at the caller ID and see 'Hinata-sama'.

A girlfriend? I think, Neji actually got a girl? My lips form an evil grin, as I press the green button.

"Neji's phone. He's in the bathroom right now. Who's this?" I say in greeting. On the other line, I heard a faint gasp. Maybe she is Neji's girlfriend.

After a minute of silence, I ask, "Are you Neji's girlfriend? If so, why didn't he tell us?" Again, silence.

I sigh, "Can you at least tell me your name?"

This time, I hear a shy voice on the other line, "Uh...It's Hinata. Hinata Hyuga."

Hyuga? I gasp, "Wait! Are you Neji's wife?!"

Again, silence.

"Why didn't Neji tell us he got married?! IMMA BEAT HIS ASS ONCE HE'S OUT OF THAT BATHROOM!"

"N-no! You're mistaken, Narui-kun! Neji-nii-san's my cousin, not my husband!" Hinata says, snapping me out of my sudden rage.

I put the pieces together again, then I smack my forehead, "I am such an idiot."

I grin sheepishly, then say, "Sorry. I usually jump to conclusions without using logic. I should've known! Neji's not gonna get a girl until the day pigs fly."

Hinata chuckles, "It's okay. Although, you shouldn't have so little faith in him."

I laugh, "Huh, I guess I shouldn't! He is handsome, talented, and a great singer. But he hasn't had good luck recently..."

"Don't worry," she says, "Neji-nii-san will find someone...eventually..."

This girl's great! I think, as I hear the bathroom door closing.


"Naruto, who's on the phone?" Neji asked while drying his luscious, long brown hair with a wireless hair dryer.

I freeze. I laugh nervously, "Hey, Hinata? Wanna talk to Neji?"

Neji stopped drying his hair, then looked up at me, "Hinata? As in my cousin, Hinata-sama?"

A sheepish grin takes over my face, then I say to Hinata, "It talking to you, Hina-chan...Hope we can meet someday!"

Hinata laughs, "Of course! Just call me anytime!"

She hangs up, then Neji comes and snatches the phone away.

"Did you say anything weird to her?" He asks, his eyes narrowing at me. I shake my head, "I-I don't think so. Ask her yourself."

I take off before Neji has the chance to beat my ass.


I quickly hang up the phone, then place it gently on the counter.

I went to our media room, sat on the couch, grabbed a pillow, then shriek into it.


Next chapter is...ShikaTema! Look forward to it! ^_^

Songs included:
Beautiful Hangover- BIGBANG
Your Number- SHINee

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