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I hit the bathroom as soon as we reached our hotel. My bladder is about to burst, I think.

I bolt through the door, then hear a shriek.

"PERVERT!" I feel a heavy weight collide with my right cheek, which sends me flying.

This is the ladies room, isn't it? I'm such an idiot...

I quickly apologize, then bolt into the Men's side. Momentarily, I forget that there are urinals as I run into the first stall and slam the door shut.

"Ahhh~" My bladder feels so much lighter after I relieve myself. I calmly walk out of the stall and wash my hands.

I notice that the two guys using the urinals earlier have left. Probably scared them off. Oops.

After I finish, I jump when I see Sasuke in the mirror.

"Come on," he says bluntly, then walks out. I mutter insults under my breath. What's with him? Did someone shove a stick up his ass?

Sasuke turns around, "What did you say, jackass?" I realize that I thought out loud.


My lips stretch into a sheepish grin as I scratch the back of my neck, trying to keep my cool, "Uh...nothing..."

Before Sasuke can touch me, I run as fast as I can to the elevator. "Neji!" Naruto shouts, "We're on the fifth floor, room 505! Don't forget!"

Ignoring what sounded like crucial information, I collide with someone.

We both fall backwards. As my head makes contact with the floor, I hear that I have collided into...A girl.



I left the dorm around an hour ago for the nearby Fire Star Hotel. The dorm was a little too crazy for me to handle, so I booked a hotel room for the night.

Hinata can handle anything, even a drunk Tsunade. Me on the other hand, NOPE.

Anyways, I was casually strolling down the corridor, when all of a sudden...


I clash head-on with some guy.

I topple to the floor and land on my back. The impact isn't too bad though, so I'm still conscious.

Groaning, I get up and survey the damage. The guy I bumped into was opposite of me, still on the floor. He seemed to be in the same condition as me: hurting all over, but still alive.

"Hey, you okay?" I outstretch my hand to him, a small grin on my face.

He slowly opens his eyes, which were white and pupiless. My eyes widen as I figure out who he is.



The girl who bumped into me outstretched her hand to me. You have no idea how long I was waiting for a situation like this to happen!

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