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haven't written about these two in a while, so here's a short little chapter before the actual BotB.




We go into the green room to get into our costumes, and I'm honestly kind of nervous...

I mean, the K.I.S.S girls look like they have a pretty promising performance this year... And why do I feel like we, 3S2N, should "impress" them?

Actually, why am I thinking about this right now?

Do I want to impress someone?

Ugh, too many questions. It's better to ponder on this later. So, we go to the green room to put on our costumes.

Our concept is pretty visual kei-ish, although we, ourselves, are not a visual kei band. But we wanted to try something different this year.

And by we, I mean Sasuke. Never knew he was into that kind of stuff...

So, to put it simply, we just looked like badass lolitas.

Yeah, I'm not joking.

Sasuke was the center, with his awesome golden hair wig and giant robe fit for a king. And the look he had in his eyes--he was owning that costume! (Not to mention his makeup was on fleek~)

I took the immediate left of him. With my black spiky hair, coupled with my awesome royal uniform, I felt like I should be at a royal palace shooting guns for a show.

Shikamaru took the other immediate side of him, with his usual black, spiky hair dyed brown. His costume was similar to mine, but this one has more of a coolness factor to it. Especially because of the guyliner.

Naruto's iconic blond hair was replaced with this weird purple and black wig, and his costume was the same as mine, but white. And I don't know if anyone else will say this, but he can actually pull off that hairstyle.

And then there's Neji...

He was already looking pretty down at first, and Shikamaru told us why. Poor guy.

He was originally supposed to wear Naruto's outfit, but he convinced Jiraiya-san to switch. Naruto was fine with it, but I still don't get why Neji...

Would agree to be in a dark lolita costume.

It was a short, frilly black dress, with fishnet stockings, white gloves that go up to his upper arms, black heeled boots that looked like 1800s torture devices, a curly blond wig, and a "mad hatter" hat. He was also wearing some serious guyliner, fake freckles, pink blush, and pink lipstick.

But on the bright side, he strangely looks good in that costume. Strangely, because if you look at the costume first, he doesn't look half bad. But then when you look at it with his eye color...

Fortunately, our stylist had some contacts for him, so instead of pale lavender eyes, he now has bright blue eyes.

Put us altogether, and you've got a visual kei-ish band.

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