Battle of the Bands (Part I)

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As the preparations came to an end, and the lights in the room dimmed, the crowd settled and went silence. The excited and tense atmosphere was perfect for an event like this, where its every man for themselves

A spotlight comes on to the host, and the crowd goes wild.

"Good evening, everyone! I'm your host, ChoG, and it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the National Battle of the Bands, the event where Japan's biggest music acts come together to compete for the title of 'Best Band in Japan!'"

The crowd eagerly cheers again. "ChoG! ChoG! ChoG!"

ChoG blushes, "Ah, minna-san! You're making me blush from all of your excitement!" The crowd cheers again. ChoG laughs. "Are you guys gonna just cheer every time I speak?"

In response, the crowd cheers, "CHO G! CHO G! CHO G!"

ChoG laughs. "Alright, alright! Settle down, everyone! You should save your cheers for the actual contestants. After all, that's why you're all here--to support your favorite artist!"

"Alright, now here are the rules for the contestants:

1. Covers of songs by other competitors are not allowed. However, covers of any other artist not competing is acceptable.

2. The songs must be in Japanese. If there are some words not in Japanese, then that is fine, as long as it's not more than one verse.

3. And, most importantly, have fun! Don't view this contest as just a contest, and be sure to be friendly with your fellow competitors!

Everyone got that?"

The crowd cheers. Yup, they got it.

"Alright! Then it is my greatest honor to present our first competitor, performing their #1 single, Strike Back, give it up for the ultimate force of modern J-rock, Fairy Tail's Natsu and Gray!"

ChoG takes his leave as the lights dim, the crowd goes wild, eager to watch the iconic singers perform, and the aforementioned boys take their places.

The stage lights turn on in many different colors: blue, red, green, yellow, and white. The guitar intro starts as two young men, one pink-haired and one dark-haired, emerge from beneath the stage. They have wide grins plastered on their faces, ready to win this contest.

"ARE YOU READY?!" Natsu yells into the microphone. All of their fans scream, mostly because Gray chose that moment to rip off his shirt and expose his six-pack abs.

"GRAY-SAMA~" The fans scream.


Naruto and his band mates watch from the green room, gawking at the duo's performance. For a moment, he felt like they were going to beat 3S2N, but he brushed it off.

We're gonna win this, and no one's gonna get in our way. He thinks.

Sasuke was walking towards the refrshments, but not before scoffing and murmuring under his breath, "Show offs." Sai was fixing his outfit. "They're pretty good..." 

Neji, looking very cute in his outfit, says nothing.

Wearing a lolita outfit seemed like a good idea at the time, but now, he felt ridiculous, exposed, and, not to mention, embarrassed. He worried that Tenten would look at him and laugh at how he looked.

As he thought of that, Tenten walks by with Hinata. Before she could see him, Neji runs behind a wall, away from her view.

Naruto sees this, then goes to the wall where Neji's hiding. "You know she already saw you, right? There no use in hiding now."

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