Chapter 11 - Witch

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to ‘xlisandrathegirlx’ for fanning. Thank you! :)



Adam’s POV:

   My mind was whirling. There was only one person that Pandora was always looking for. She and her sisters were always looking, searching for her. And now, she had found her in Imogen, meaning only one thing. Imogen Hastings was one of them. She was a witch.


Chapter 11 - Witch

Imogen’s POV:

   I stared, dumbfounded at the woman in front of me. “What do you mean, ‘you’ve found me?’ I haven’t even met you!” I exclaimed sceptically, crossing my arms protectively in front of me. ‘Iris?! You don’t know this woman, right? She doesn’t smell wolf...’ I asked, slightly scared.

   She’s definitely not wolf... but she’s powerful... she has that aura around her. Be careful Imogen... Was her warning. Iris then withdrew herself completely from my mind, leaving me feeling alone and slightly unprotected. Pandora smiled, her eyes still glazed over with tears.

   “You don’t know anything... about everything... do you?” She whispered, clasping her hands tightly in front of her. In response, I raised m eyebrows at her in question. “What was your mother’s name?” She asked, her voice suddenly urgent. “Karina... Karina Hastings.” I replied slowly, unsure whether to trust this stranger with the information about my precious mother.

   “What was her maiden name? The name she was born with?” Pandora pushed. “Karina Ventori...” I mumbled, confused and slightly afraid. Pandora inhaled deeply as she stood up straighter and observed me with keen eyes. “Then I was right. It is you.” I placed my hand against my forehead as I could feel a headache coming on.

   “For goddess’s sake! Will you just tell me what you mean?! You talk like you know me, yet I know that I have never met you before in my life!” I exploded, unable to keep it in any longer. Pandora sighed. “This is going to be hard for you to accept, child, especially with everything that you have endured through this life.” At this, she gave a pointed look at Adam, and it was only then did I remember that he and Xavier were also in the room.

   “Come. We shall go to your room, and I shall explain everything.” She promised, and held out her porcelain white hand. She gestured for me to take it, and I did so hesitantly. She nodded at Adam, before we vanished from the room and reappeared in mine. I immediately stumbled out of her firm grasp and gasped for air. The experience was neither pleasant, nor painful. It was just... unnatural.

   “What in the world was that? How did you do that!?” I was going into hysterics and I knew it. Pandora guided me towards the bad and I sat down with a plop, much unlike how she sat gracefully and ladylike in the armchair Adam had been sitting in that morning. “I’m a witch, and so are you.” She said simply.

   I raised my eyebrows. “Excuse me? I’m a wolf... not a witch!” I exclaimed. I had heard of witches. They were allies with us wolves and Alphas sometimes called on them for help in desperate times of need. Apart from that, they kept to themselves; hidden in the human world. They were undetectable, and were only found if they wanted to be found.

   “You, my child, are both.” Pandora explained gently. “Your mother, Karina Ventori, was a pure witch, descending from the most powerful witch of all time, Morgana Ventori. You, are also her descendant, and although your father was a wolf, you are still just as powerful as any pure witch; most likely, even more powerful.”

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