Chapter 14 - Training

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 A/N: This chapter is dedicated to ‘ally_lolz’ for voting on all of my previous chapters. Thank you!!


   The wind and flickering and ceased, but I was too busy to notice as the mist surrounded me in lightning speed. I gasped as a tingling feeling began to spread from my fingertips to my toes. It was numbing, and my eyes widened at the strange, yet powerful feeling.

   Suddenly it stopped, and I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. I looked up at Pandora to see that she looked absolutely wiped as well. “Wow.” I whispered. She nodded. “Wow indeed. You are now a witch Imogen.” She spoke softly. It was all I could do to stop the grin from spreading across my face. I had never felt as strong as I did now, and I loved it.


Chapter 14 – Training

   Power was something I had never before felt, or had in my entire life. It had always been me being naïve and innocent to the world’s true, cruel ways, and then always being the weakling. Now, everything was different. When I walked down the hallways, people looked at me in a mixture of awe, and terror. When I spoke, my voice no longer quivered and I no longer trembled in the presence of others.

   It had already been a month since I had re-kindled my powers, and already, I excelled in both magic and combat alike. Xavier and Drake spent many hours a day training me in using weapons, and fighting. Within the first week, they realised that I had a natural talent for all of this, and trained me alongside all the other warrior trainees.

   They objected at first, obviously thinking that a small girl like me would stand no chance against them. Them, who had trained from the very start and had the proper nutrition all their lives. They were soon proved wrong. Each and every one of them. True, I was nowhere near as fit as any of them, but when they continued to underestimate me, it made it a very easy job for me to overpower them.

   Each morning, I would wake up at 5am sharp, and be down in the training fields at 6. I would then train with the others until noon, and then we would have lunch, which would almost always be cooked by Martha. It was then optional for us to train from then on or not, but most would do so for another hour or so until around 3. Each day, I would be the last in the field, until finally at sunset, Xavier and Drake both complained and told me that that would’ve been enough for a day.

   I would leave, sweaty, dirty and exhausted, but feeling stronger all the more. After a long shower and dinner, I would go to either mine, or Pandora’s suite, and practice my magic.

   The first time after my powers had been returned to me and I had tried to transform the apple into something else, I had actually shut down all the power in the entire house. Pandora had explained that I had concentrated too hard and put too much power into it. Needless to say, I was more than a little confused and alarmed.

   The pack had warmed up to me within the fortnight, some taking a longer time then others, but soon they all held some form of respect for me when I continued to train and practice, non-stop. It remained still, that only Pandora and Adam knew about my past.


   I awoke suddenly as the shrill sound of my alarm pieced the silence in my room. It was still pitch black outside but I got up and went about my daily morning routine.

   I showered quickly and got dressed in my training clothes, which consisted of a tight, black singlet, and black shorts or leggings. I dressed today in leggings, as it was winter and rather chilly, even to a werewolf. I put on my runners and jogged down the stairs, careful not to wake the sleeping house.

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