Chapter 1

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I was walking down an empty hallway, the sound of my footsteps bouncing off the walls. I turned the corner and walked to one of the rooms. I pulled out the piece of paper my friend had given me and made sure the room I had gone to was the right one. Sure enough, it was. I shrugged my shoulders and grasped the doorknob, pushing the door in and seeing a man sitting at the grand piano in the center of the room, softly playing and singing underneath his breath.

"...I will never end up like him, behind my back I already am. Keep a calendar, this way you will always-"

"Excuse me?" I remarked, adjusting my jean jacket a little to hide my nervousness.

The man slammed his hands down on the white keys and glared up at me, "Have you no respect for me?"

I raised my eyebrow, "Uh, I was told to come here by a friend of mine."

"I don't care who you were sent here by. There was a reason that door was closed and had a 'do not disturb' sign on it." I glanced back and finally noticed the sign taped to the window. Whoops. "Yet you had the audacity to just stumble on in here, thinking you're the fucking Queen of England." I looked back at the angered man who had now risen to his feet and was approaching me, "What's your name?"

"E-Eveyln," I stammered, "But I prefer it if you call me Evie."

"Evelyn," He repeated, the name rolling off his tongue smoothly, "Do you think you're the Queen of England?"

I crossed my arms, "No."

"Then stop acting like it and waltz your little ass out of my classroom and wait for me to finish my song. Alright? Thanks." He pushed me back, and I nearly tripped over my feet.

I scoffed and spun around, walking back out of room and mouthing the man's words to myself in a mocking manner. The door slammed shut behind me and I jumped.

"What a dick..." I muttered under my breath as I pulled out my cellphone and dialed the person who recommended this asshole to me.

The phone rang once or twice before they picked up, "Evie! My girl! What's up?"

"What's up? Joe, what's up is that you referred me to a complete bastard."

Joe gasped, "What are you talking about? Patrick's not a bastard."

"Oh really?" I retorted, "Then why did he accuse me of thinking of myself as the Queen of England and then pushed me out of his classroom so he could finish singing his stupid song? I don't know what you call that, Joe, but he's being a royal bitch right now. I can't believe you used to be best friends with him!"

He heaved a sigh, "Look, he just hasn't handled the break up all that well. But he's a nice guy, trust me. He'll come around. Plus, he's your best bet at accomplishing what you want to do."

I ran my hand through my blonde hair, "You better be right, Joe. Because I really don't know if I can deal with him if he's like this all the time."

"Look, you want to learn how to play the piano, right? Well, he knows how to play the piano. Probably better than any teacher you'd find on your own. So give him a chance."

"Well, he's lucky I give second chances, because he already blew his first one."

Joe chuckled, "Goodbye, Evie."

"Bye, Joe," I remarked, smiling as I ended the call. I pocketed my cell phone and leaned back against the wall, slipping my hands into my pants pockets as I honed in on the song Patrick was playing.

"...I've got troubled thoughts and the self esteem to match. What a catch...what a ca-a-atch."

There were three single notes played that hung in the air for a little while before fading into silence.

I bit my lip, wondering if that was the end of the song. To confirm my beliefs, the door clicked open beside me and Patrick peered his head out, looking the wrong way before looking over at me. His eyebrow raised, "You're still here?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I retorted, peeling myself away from the wall and turning to face him, "I want to learn how to play piano and I heard you were one of the best. So, here I am. Are you going to teach me or not?"

He sighed and stepped out into the hallway, ushering me into the classroom. "Fine. Come in, Evelyn."

I smirked.

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