Chapter 13

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I was sitting at the keyboard in my bedroom that seemed empty without Tyler's belongings. It wasn't like anyone would even notice if they didn't know I hadn't kicked him out. But me? I noticed every fucking little thing that was missing. His bright red beanie that he hung on the bedpost, his ukulele that he always had leaning against the walls in the corner of the room, the strip of pictures he had from a photo booth of him, Josh, and me that he had taped to the lamp on his nightstand, everything.

"Are you?"

There was a long pause before I stammered, "I-I don't know, Tyler." I hung my head and stared at my feet and freshly-painted toenails.

"I promise I'll make things right again," He tried to convince me, throwing the shirt he was holding down and walking over to me, slipping his hands underneath my jawline and tilting my head up so I was looking at him. I noticed I wasn't the only one on the verge of tears. "Evie, I-I made a mistake and I know you're probably never going to forgive me, but you've got to give me another chance. Please."

I shook my head and pushed him away from me, "Tyler, I don't think you understand how much you hurt me. I really don't think you do, not even the slightest bit. You just want to clear your guilty conscience."

"I don't want to clear my guilty conscience. I want you to give us another try."

"No, Tyler."

"But I love you!"

"You love me? Really? You love me. Because sleeping with my coworker is definitely a great way to show that you love me," I retorted with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

He ran a hand through his head, "I told you I made a mistake, I know I fucked up." He turned away from me and took a few steps forward, "But I'm not the only one who's fucked up here," He tried to put the blame on me.

"Oh really?"

"You make mistakes all the goddamn time!" He spun around and approached me again, "Hell, Evie, I was even your mistake, remember? You cheated on your boyfriend with me." I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "But you know what? He forgave you. He forgave you."

"Yeah, but then I left him to be with you. So bad example."

"Just me give another chance," He croaked, taking a step closer to me to which I took a step back, slamming into the wall, "Please, I'm begging you."

I heaved a sigh, "I-I'll think about it, Tyler. But for now... just get your things and go, okay? Because you're not staying here. Not until we sort things out." And with that, I turned out of the room and walked back to the kitchen, picking up the carton of ice cream and snatching the lid, throwing it back into the freezer.

I looked down at the white keys, biting my lip as tears wavered in my eyes. Just then, the doorbell's ring echoed through the house. I sniffled and brought my hands up to my face, rubbing my eyes with the sleeves of my sweatshirt.

I rose to my feet and walked out of the bedroom, going downstairs and answering the door. My stinging eyes grew wide when I saw who was standing on my doorstep. "Patrick?"

"Hey, Evie," He greeted solemnly, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"How'd you find out where I live?"

"I'm a professor, remember? I've got access to all student profiles," He answered modestly.

"That's creepy," I commented, failing to suppress the small giggle that followed. He let out a laugh as well. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the threshold, "What are you doing here, though? I thought I told you I didn't want to do this anymore." I motioned between him and me.

"I know you did. But I'm not here because of that. I'm here because I was wondering if you wanted to go out for a drink or something. You seem like you could really use one and I want to make up for what happened earlier today," He bit his lip and added, " I know it's probably against University rules or something, but, you're not really my student and I'm not really a professor. Plus I won't be too brokenhearted if I get canned. I don't really like teaching all that much."

I smirked, "I can tell. You're probably the worst teacher I've ever had."

"The worst?" He chuckled.

"Oh hell yeah. Even my Pre-Calc was nicer than you, and he once gave a kid a week's detention for sitting the wrong way in his chair."


"Yeah, crazy right?"

He heaved a sigh, "So what do you say? What about that drink?"

"You're not going to ask me to come back for piano lessons, are you?" I asked before I gave him a definite answer. It wasn't that I wanted to go out with him - or go out at all for that matter - but the sound of a drink (or two) seemed quite appealing at that moment. I wanted to numb the pain that was plaguing my entire body.

"Well, not tonight," The corner of his lip perked up.

I sighed, "Fine, but I'll need a second so I can get ready, okay?" I stepped to the side and ushered him in. He gave me a bizarre look. I scoffed, "Well? Are you just going to stand there?"

"You said needed a second."

"Yeah, but...saying I need a second in girl talk means I really need fifteen minutes. So either you get your ass in here or you can wait outside. And I heard it's supposed to drop to the low thirties tonight, so..."

He let out a small breath and stepped into my house. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind him, retreating upstairs to change out of my sweatshirt and yoga pants.

Metronome (FOB FanFic ft. Tyler Joseph)Where stories live. Discover now