Chapter 11

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Stumphalicious for helping me out with this chapter (and the next few chapters too). She's seriously the most awesome person ever, and if you haven't checked out her new page yet, I highly recommend you do. Her books are amazing. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you like it! -Rachael

"...and then get this!" I exclaimed as I pulled the carafe out from the coffee machine and poured the steaming dark brown liquid into a large paper cup. "He asked me if I was going to take him back. After he said I wasn't going to take him back. Like...what?"

"Well...are you?" He asked.

"Am I what?" I set the carafe down, walking over to where the creamers were and grabbing one out of the selection and popping the top.

"Going to take him back." I hesitated to answer. "Evie?"

"I-I don't know, Joe," I murmured, grabbing a wooden stir stick and mixing the creamer in with the coffee.

"What do you mean you 'don't know'?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I told him I'd think about it," I mumbled, grabbing a thin plastic lid and fixing it on top of the paper cup. I grabbed the drink and walked over to the counter, sliding Joe his coffee along with a handful of sugar packets, as well as a paper sleeve to put around the cup.

" Why would you even think about it? He cheated on you, for Pete's sake."

"I love him."

"How can you love a guy who cheated on you?" He nearly yelled at me, attracting the attention of a few of the students who were there. I gave him a wide-eyed look. He sighed and leaned in, whispering, "Ev, I know you, and you're smarter than to stay in a relationship with someone who doesn't love you anymore. Right?"

My cheeks grew a bright shade of red as I averted my gaze away from him, going over to the cash register and punching in his order.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed his drink, taking a sip of it and smacking his lips once or twice to see if the coffee was to his liking. He nodded his head in approval and walked over to where I was, his hand in his back pocket as he asked me how much it was going to be. I told him the amount and he pulled out a five dollar bill, telling me to keep the change. I smirked and slid the cash into the register, getting him his change anyways.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do, Ev," He remarked, playing with the lid on his coffee, "But I personally don't think you should give him a second chance. He doesn't deserve it. You don't deserve it. It's time you find someone who really cares about you, someone who's not just looking to pass the time."

"Tyler does love me, Joe," I murmured, holding out the change. "If he didn't love me, he would've left me a long time ago." He took the money into his possession and shoved it into his pants pocket.

The former guitarist chuckled in disbelief, "Ev, you're blind if you think he loves you. If he loved you, he wouldn't have slept with that other girl."

Just then, as if she was cued, Jenna entered the coffee shop, meeting my gaze instantaneously. Her expression was remorseful, but I knew she wasn't sorry. I knew she didn't regret a thing. The only thing she regretted was overstaying her welcome and getting caught. My eyes narrowed as I watched her disappear back into the break room.

"Wait, is she...?" Joe began to ask.

I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth, "Yes."

He scoffed, "'re way prettier than she is. And you've got way more than she has. Tyler's stupid to have cheated on her with you."

I couldn't resist the smile that wanted to stretch across my face, "Thanks, Joe." He nodded his head. "Hey, how was the show last night?"

"Oh it was great," He replied, taking another sip of his coffee, "You know what was weird though? Patrick was disappointed that you weren't there."

"What? Why?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not sure. He was the one who wanted me to invite you, suggested it last minute."



"That is weird."

"Yeah, but, whatever. Patrick's Patrick. I don't even bother asking him why he does half the stuff he does. It's his way or the highway basically," Joe laughed sadly before clearing his throat and saying, "Well, I better get going. Thanks for the coffee, Ev."

"No problem. It's not like you come here every morning or anything," I sarcastically replied.

He winked at me before turning around and walking out, the little bell above the door ringing. The door to the coffee shop closed and the door to the break room opened, Jenna stepping out. She made her way behind the counter and joined my side.

"Evie, I-"

"Don't want to hear it, Jenna," I cut her off, walking away from her.

"But you need to listen to what I have to say," She argued, following me and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Get your hand off of me!" I screamed, ripping my shoulder out from underneath her hand and glaring at her.

"Evie, please," She begged, her eyes glistening with tears. Fake tears.

"No," I retorted, "You lied to me, Jenna. You lied to me and you slept with my boyfriend. Do you honestly think I'm going to stand here and listen to you explain to me how that all came about?" Before she could respond to the question I wasn't expecting an answer for, I threw my hands in the air and continued, "No! I'm not! So don't even try to make things right between us, because it'll never happen. Alright?" I stared into her watering icy blue eyes for a little before brushing past her and grabbing a tray to clean up some of the tables.

"I'm so sorry, Evie," She croaked, covering her face with her hands.

Yeah, right.

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