Chapter 25

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Josh and I walked into the crowded club and I immediately regretted agreeing to come with him. Not only was the place so filled with people that we could barely make our way over to the bar, but performing on stage in the back of the joint, acting as that night's entertainment, was Patrick.

"Of course," I mumbled angrily under my breath.

"Of course what?" Josh replied, having miraculously heard me over the loud conversations that almost made Patrick's singing and playing inaudible.

"Look at the asshat on stage," I threw my hand in his direction.

"...I'll be there to be your target
You can throw me what you got
I will take it with a smile
You can dole it without shame
But I will never be your problem
I will never be to blame..."

His eyes were drawn to the man who'd dragged me through hell and left me there (though he didn't know that). "Who's he? How do you know him?"

"It's a long story I really don't want to get into," I grumbled before heaving a sigh and asking, "Do we have to stay here, Josh? I know some really great places that aren't this one."

"But this is Tyler's and my favorite club," He argued, indirectly telling me yes, "I don't remember it ever being this packed, though..."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him along through the hoards of grinding men and women, all intoxicated to different extents.

If I had to stay here, I definitely wasn't going to stay here sober.

I slipped in between two people and motioned over one of the several bartenders, ordering Josh and me a round of shots. The bartender nodded her head in acknowledgement and went to retrieve my drinks. I began tapping my fingers impatiently on the bar and couldn't help but hone in on Patrick's voice that was louder now.

"...Cause you are mad at nothing
You're just wasting time
I'm not bluffing:
You should've been a friend of mine..."

"Here you are," The bartender's voice rang in my ear, attracting my attention. I took the small glasses into my possession and handed half of them to Josh. We abandoned the bar and found a tall table by the wall.

"...When you're feeling guilty
And out of steam
When you're looking for forgiveness
You can take it out on me..."

I chose one of the drinks and immediately brought it to my lips, downing the alcohol as quickly as I could've.

Josh chuckled, "Whoa there, Evie. Calm down. We just got here."

I slammed the shot glass down on the table, my throat burning, and replied, "Yeah? And your point is?"

"I want to enjoy this evening. Not get it over with as fast as possible."

"Look, Josh," I pointed my finger at him, "I don't know about you, but every day for me since Tyler's death has just been a waiting game. Minutes feel like hours, and hours feel like days. I can't tell you how long I stare at the clock on my nightstand, watching and waiting for the hands to reach the twelve, waiting for it to be the end of the day. Because unlike you, I just want it all to be over with," I picked up another shot glass and repeated my actions.

"...When your hands are overflowing
With stones you wish to throw
And your eyes drip with excuse, and someone lit your fuse,
This is something you should know..."

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