Chapter 24

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But like I said before, I already lost one person I cared about. And I wasn't going to lose another.

"Patrick, wait!" I screamed, dropping the metronome and running out into the hallway, skidding to a stop in the middle of it. I caught him just before he could reach the doors at end of the hallway. "Don't go!"

He remained silent, staying in his place.

"I'm all alone," I confessed in a last stitch effort to make him change his mind, slowly and cautiously starting to approach him, "All the people I love, they've all abandoned me. Tyler's gone and he's never coming back. My best friend..." I ran a hand through my hair and chuckled sadly, "Hell, I don't even have a best friend. I don't really have any friends except the ones I made because of Tyler, but they don't really count. They were only nice to me and acted like we were friends because I was dating him. I don't have my dad, he ditched when I was a little kid. And my mom's all the way across the country and we only talk over the phone whenever either of us have a problem. I honestly have no one left, Patrick."

Another moment of silence passed before the singer turned around and looking at me with a stoic expression, "That's a real shame. I wish I could help you."

"You can!"

He couldn't help the corner of his lip from curling up into a smirk, "But that's the thing, Evie, I don't want to."

"And I don't want you to go!" I exclaimed out of frustration, finally reaching him and gazing up into his bluish-green eyes that glistened in the fluorescent hallway lighting.

"But I do," He poked his chest, "I don't care whether or not you want me to. Because there's nothing you can say or do to stop me."

"Nothing?" I repeated with more desperation than I anticipated.


"You're lying."

He scoffed, "Evie, I'm not lying to you. I really am leaving. I really am hopping on a plane that'll take me back home, and this? It'll be just another memory for me. You told me to move on, and well...I'm moving on. Maybe you should try it sometime." With that final statement, he turned his back to me and went for the doors again.

"No!" I cried, preventing him from going any farther. "Patrick, please! Don't leave!"

"Why?" He asked curtly, turning his head to the side ever so slightly, as if to look back over his shoulder at me.

"Because I like you and you like me and we can't leave things like this," I rambled, my heart beating rapidly against my chest. "We just can't."

He heaved a sigh and returned his attention forward, murmuring, "I know, and I'm sorry, but we can't be together. End of story."

"No, not end of story!" I leaped forward and grabbed him by the arm, keeping him from walking out. "Patrick, it doesn't have to be like this!"

He met my gaze pitifully and frowned, "But it does." He ripped his arm out of my hand, his eyebrows furrowing together, "You don't understand how serious this is, Evelyn. I can't stay here even if I wanted to."

"Then don't stay here, stay with me," I begged, holding onto him, "I have enough room in my house for the both of us. And it'll be nice living with someone again."

"Evie, I can't."


"No!" Patrick pushed me away from him and I stumbled backwards, "Evie, for fuck's sake, just forget about me, would you? Forget about me and forget about us. Because you and I? We're done. D-O-N-E, done." He turned on his heel for the last time and rushed forward, pushing through the double doors and having them slam shut behind him.

I bit my quivering lip as tears flooded my vision.

Forget about me and forget about us. Because you and I? We're done. D-O-N-E, done.


A few months had passed since Patrick left the university, since he left me. I hadn't heard from him, and I hadn't heard from Joe either. He stopped coming in for coffee and he never returned any of my calls or text messages. So not only had I lost Tyler and Patrick, but I also lost Joe.

Everything just seemed pointless after they all left. My studies, my minimum wage job, it was all for nothing. So I decided to take some time off, which really just entailed me sitting at home nearly all day and distracting myself with TV shows and browsing the internet.

I was sitting in my room one day, playing with the metronome I had brought home with me, despite my initial refusal to take it. To snap me out of the daze I had fallen into, listening to the metrical ticks of the instrument, my cell phone began to ring. I slowly broke my gaze with Patrick's parting gift and shifted it down to the phone lighting up and vibrating beside me, seeing that it was Josh who was calling me. I raised my eyebrow and hesitantly answered, bringing the device up to my ear.


"Evie, hey," His oddly comforting voice emanated from the speaker.

"What's up?"

"I...I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me."

An embarrassed, uncomfortable blush rose up in my cheeks and I brought my other hand up to nervously rub the back of my neck, "Uh..."

"Just for drinks," He clarified.

"Oh, okay," I retorted, somewhat relieved.

A nervous chuckle sounded in my ear, "Yeah. It's just...I haven't been out of the house much know. And I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come with me."

"I appreciate the offer, Josh, but I don't think I'm really in the mood."

"Neither am I, but it's better than sitting on our asses all night."

A confused look appeared on my face, "How do you know I'm sitting on my ass?"

"I went to the coffee shop to see you in person, and the new barista told me everything."

I rolled my eyes.

"Please, Evie, it's been really rough these past few weeks for me and I think seeing a familiar face will make me feel better."

I heaved an exasperated sigh, "Are you buying?"

"Of course."

"Fine. I'll go. But-"

"Great!" He cut me off, continuing before I can finish what I was going to say, "I'll be there in ten, fifteen minutes. You better be ready!"

"Josh, w-" I began to say when he hung up on me. I groaned and tossed my phone to the side, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating in so long. I could give you the shit reasons that I didn't know what to write and that I've been really busy these past few weeks, but they don't really make anything any better. So just know that I feel really bad and I hope you guys aren't too upset with me. Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it. Fingers crossed the next update will be on schedule! -Rachael

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