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Blake’s POV

“You know, our anniversary is coming up.” Justin said as he stepped out of the shower. He quickly wrapped a towel around his waist and took another one off the towel warmer to dry his hair and body.

“Yes, I know.” I replied as I ran the hair straightener through my hair.

“It’s going to be 5 years, you know.” he said as he started dressing in the clothes he had set out.

“I know.” I replied, setting the straightener down.

“I will have to start planning.” Justin muttered as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned around in his arms so I could look up at him.

“Me too, you know. I have to come up with something big too.” I responded with a smirk. I reached up and placed my hand on his soft cheek. He turned his head and kissed my wrist before smiling down at me.

“Alright babe, I’m leaving!” Justin said as he quickly kissed my cheek. I saw him wink at me before running out of the bathroom. I started putting in my earrings as he left the house.

Justin was going to be gone all day today for meetings with his label so it was my job to take Jayden school supply shopping.

“Jayden, you almost ready?” I yelled into his room after I was done getting ready.

“Yeah, hold on.” His little voice shouted back. He scurried out of his closet seconds later, wearing a pair of jean shorts and a plaid shirt. He also had on his favorite pair of Vans that he wore almost every day.

“I have to go get your school list, honey. Hold on.” I said as we walked down the stairs. I picked up the envelope from Jayden’s school and opened it up to read the information.

“Who’s my teacher?” Jayden asked excitingly.

“Mr. Gates. Do you know him?” I asked.

“No.” Jayden replied while walking towards the door to the garage. I followed after him with my purse and the school supply list.

Jayden got into the backseat and I got into the driver’s seat of one of Justin’s Range Rovers. I quickly pulled out of the garage and through the security gates. The drive to the supplies store was a short one; there was surprisingly not a lot of traffic. I parked the car and placed my keys into my purse.

That’s when I noticed the group of paparazzo’s getting out of their cars with their cameras. How had I not realized that they were following us?

“Hey, Jayden, you have to hold my hand while we walk to the store. There are some paparazzi, ok?” I asked calmly, looking at Jayden in the rearview mirror.

“Why do they follow us?” Jayden whined, taking his seat belt off.

“They just want to get pictures of Daddy.” I replied, trying to answer his question in the best way possible.

“But Daddy isn’t with us.” Jayden pointed out.

“I know, but they still want pictures of us.” I mumbled, stumped by his point. I shook my head and got out of the car to open Jayden’s door and help him out. He jumped down onto the ground and I held his hand tightly as we made our way closer to the store.

The flashes started almost instantaneously and I put my head down to avoid them. Jayden walked closer to me, almost on top of me, until we were safely inside the store’s doors. My body relaxed and I loosened my grip on Jayden’s hand.

“I don’t like them, Mom.” Jayden complained, leading us into the store.

“I don’t either, Jay.” I muttered, following him to the shelf of backpacks that instantly caught his attention.

His eyes lit up when he saw a Superman backpack and I knew the paparazzi were forgotten. “Mom, I want this one!” he exclaimed, picking the backpack off the hook.

“Ok, I’ll hold on to it for now.” I said, taking the children sized backpack out of his grasp.

“Wait, I like this one too!” he shouted as he tried to reach up to get a Hulk one.

“How about you think about it and we can find a backpack later.” I suggested, taking out the list of school supplies from my purse. Jayden agreed and ran off into the direction of the various writing utensils and folders.


“Alright Jayden, you really need to sleep now.” I whispered to him as his eyes started to droop.

It had been a long day of shopping and Mother-Son bonding and I knew Jayden was tired. He was already falling asleep as I read the first page of the book he picked out for bedtime.

“Goodnight Mommy, I love you.” he mumbled as he dug his face into his pillow. I removed his covers from my body and got out of his bed before recovering him.

“Goodnight buddy. I love you too.” I replied, placing a kiss on his forehead.

“When Daddy gets home, tell him to come tuck me in.” he mumbled, yawning in the process. I smiled at his cute little face.

“Of course. Sweet dreams.” I whispered while quietly stepping away from the bed and turning on his nightlight. With one last smile, I left the room and closed the door quietly.

My body sagged as I walked towards the master bedroom. Justin should be home soon and I wanted to get into a warm bubble bath before he showed up. I took my clothes off and placed them in the bathroom hamper before turning on the bath faucet and watching the tub fill up with hot water. I poured some of my vanilla bath salt into the water and watched the bubbles appear.

When the tub was full to the brim, I stepped into it. The water stung with heat but it quickly relaxed my muscles. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

I didn’t know how much time had passed, but my eyes opened when I heard the loud blaring of my cell phone. I groaned and sat up in the soapy water. My phone stopped ringing but started up again in less than 10 seconds. Scared that it might wake up Jayden, I picked myself up and stepped out of the relaxing bath. I wrapped myself up in a fluffy towel and padded out to the bedroom to dig through my purse for my cell phone.

Justin’s name flashed across the screen and I instantly pressed the answer button.

“Hello?” I asked sweetly, a smiling lighting up my face.

“Blake? There has been an accident.” Justin frantically spat into the phone. My body tensed and my heart started beating frantically.

“W-what?” I stuttered, not knowing what else to say.

“While I was driving home.” He mumbled.

“Are you ok?” I asked, suddenly worried for him.

“I’m fine, but the person I hit-” he said, trailing off.

“I’ll come to the hospital.” I said quickly, running to my closet to find the easiest thing to slide onto my naked body.

“Oh God.” I heard Justin whimper before the line went dead. I put my shorts and t-shirt on in a frenzy and quickly grabbed a smaller purse to place my stuff in to.

I knew that Lily was still sick and it wasn’t a good idea to bring Jayden to Hazel and Chase’s. My first instinct was to just bring him along, so I ran to his room and picked him up out of his bed so I could carry him to the car.

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