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Justin’s POV

I walked into the hotel room to find Amber sleeping in the hospital bed. Just like how I left Blake at home.

I took my usual seat on the loveseat next to the bed and sat there, waiting. Waiting for Amber to wake up.

Something about her kept me coming back, day after day, to this hospital room. My mind was telling me it was because of the guilt. It was my fault she was here; the least I could do is keep her company while she was stuck here. Especially after she told me that she doesn’t really have any family anymore, I felt obligated to be here. I wanted to be here.

But should I really be here on my 5 year wedding anniversary to Blake? Who I had left at home, with my 5 year old son, before she woke up?

I tried my best to not feel guilty about what I was doing as I waited for Amber’s beautiful eyes to open.

Blake’s POV

“He went to the hospital TODAY?” Hazel gasped.

“Yeah, he left before I woke up.” I replied, picking at my finger nails.

“Are you sure he went to the hospital? Maybe he is planning something huge and needed you to think something different.” Hazel suggested.

I shook my head, not letting myself get my hopes up. “No, he went to see her.”

“That’s messed up.” Hazel muttered, shaking her head.

“We made plans for dinner tonight, but who knows if he will even remember.”

“Call him to remind him!” she suggested.

“No, I would never stoop to that level. You know what, it’s fine. He just feels guilty about her situation. I would do the same thing.” I said, trying to justify Justin’s actions.

“Blake, stop kidding yourself.” Hazel mumbled, trying not to hurt my feelings.

“What else do you want me to do? It’s only been a week of this, it’s just a faze. I don’t want to get all worked up about something that isn’t a big deal!” I replied.

“Yet.” Hazel mumbled under her breath.

A part of me knew she was right. But that part was quickly squashed. I wouldn’t let myself think about that. I knew Justin; he was my beloved and faithful husband. I didn’t doubt him and if he thought what he was doing was the right thing, I would support his decision. Just like I always have.


I lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with my straight hair sprawled all around me. My clutch was placed next to my body as my dress fanned all around me. I had kicked off my heels a while ago, since there was no point in wearing them anymore.

2 and a half hours late. Justin was 2 and a half hours late to come home for our anniversary dinner.

When he texted me this afternoon, he said the dinner was still on and he would be home in time to go. If that was all I was going to get out of him on our 5 year wedding anniversary, I was willing to accept it.

But when he didn’t show up, and 10 minutes late became hours, I had given up on seeing him. Maybe he had forgotten, or lost track of time? I knew he was with Amber, so maybe something came up.

I didn’t have time to dwell on it because Jayden walked into my room, distracting me from my thoughts.

“Mommy, I can’t sleep.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. I sat up on the bed and scooted over to the edge so he could climb up into my arms. He jumped up and wrapped his tiny arms around my neck to lay his head on my shoulder. The intercom rang, breaking the silent moment in the house.

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