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Loki lift Xena up in his arms and carried her over to the spot he and Thor stood in that concealed them from the prisons view. He laid her down carefully and turned to Thor.

"Let's get this over with,"

Loki and Thor went back to the prison and walked through the doors. The walls were gray like everything else. No guards appeared. Loki took out his daggers and Thor gripped his hammer. They walked down the hallway, the only noise was the sound of their boots hitting the floor. They came to the end of the hall and took the last left as Xena said. As the first right came up Thor peered around the corner but still their were no guards. Both of the brothers found this suspicious.

As they came upon the third door on the right it burst open and Lady Sif and the Warriors three burst through.

"Thor!" Lady Sif exclaimed. Her hair was hanging down her back and her clothes were torn and her face was cut along the cheek. She ran over to him and gave him a quick hug. "Loki," she said questionably. "We have to go now. Their are dozens of guards behind us."

All of them heard the horde of thundering foot steps coming from behind the door. As one all of them turned and started running, Thor and Loki leading the way.

Shots came from behind them and they all picked up speed.

"We can't fight them all," Volstagg said.

"We're not going to," Thor said as all of them burst out through the door. Thor led them to the spot Xena laid, hidden in the shadows between buildings but still able to see the prison.

Loki spotted Xena on the ground where she laid in the corner. Her hair had come out from the ponytail and it splayed around her. Lady Sif and the Warriors three didn't notice Xena.

The guards from the prison ran past their hiding spot shouting at each other to go in every direction to search for them.

After a while when the group could not hear anymore shouting and foot steps Thor lead Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun out of the shadows. Loki lifted Xena up in his arms and followed them.

Sif saw Xena in Loki's arms. "What is she doing here?" She said angrily.

"She's the one who got us through this place to the prison. She was helping us." Thor answered unconcerned as her slowly made his way back through the city.

"Doesn't look like she's helping much," Hogun said.

"She was attacked," Loki stated.

"We should leave her here. These are her people. She's the reason they attacked us!" Sif said shooting Xena a glare that would make anyone cringe.

"They'll kill her," Thor said, "beside she could be an advantage to us."

Loki shot his brother a look. After Xena helped they would send her to Earth, like she wanted. Thor had something planed but Loki didn't know what.

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