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Yes, Loki  had tons of other questions he wanted to ask, but he didn't want her to run away. He stared at her waiting for her answer. Her long, deep brown hair was down and it gently blew in the slight breeze. It looked almost black, like his, in this lighting. Her arms hugged her, but his eyes couldn't stay trained in her face. They raked the length of her body. The gold dressing gown laid on all of her curves, and when she uncrossed her arms and rested them on the railing her noticed her nipples through the fabric. He dragged his eyes back up to her face before he got any ideas.

"I was captured before I could get away," she shrugged her shoulders.

He rolled his eyes, "You really shouldn't lie to the God of Lies." She glared at him. " I'm serious though, why? You could have disappeared like a lot of other prisoners."

She hesitated. Loki saw the war she was wagging in her mind. Should she tell him the truth or just leave it at that?

"When the Dark Elves attacked and most of the prisoners were set free they fought their way out of the dungeon,"

"I know, I was their remember," he cut her off earning another glare.

"When I was imprisoned here, I was treated way better than I ever was in Alfheim. My brother was the only one who ever treated me like a person,  but when he died I had no one. Even though I was a prisoner I was treated like someone.

"So when I was set free I went searching for Odin, and I killed him as he slept. I knew if I tried to escape back home I would be killed, but I knew I would probably be killed here too. However, being killed here would be way more merciful that what my people would have done to me."

"You wanted to stay a prisoner." He stated he looked at her almost sadly. She was like him. Love by none and treated like nothing. Maybe that was why he was so drawn to her. Their unloved childhoods bring them to do unspeakable things. They were so alike, and Loki just could wrap his mind around the thought of actually having someone that knows his pain.

She looked over at him, eyes sad. "I wanted to die, Loki. I had no one, I had nothing to live for. I would have spent the next 3000 years in that cell. I wanted to kill Odin for taking my brother from me and I knew that killing him would also be that thing that killed me."

"I completely understand," he whispered.

Their eyes locked again and this time neither of them looked away. Loki saw the grief and pain in her eyes, and she probably saw it in his.

Without realizing it they had both leaned in toward each other. Their faces only inches apart, their lips seconds from connecting.

At the last second Xena pulled away. Loki huffed in anger. He grab her upper arm and turned him toward her, "Why did you do that?"

Her eyes were now hiding all of her emotions she was just showing. They seem almost cold now. "Do what?" She asked her jaw clenched together.

Loki closed his eyes trying to reign in his anger. He released her from his grip and straightened himself to his full hight. He towered over Xena by a good foot. "You know what, never mind," he hissed and turned and walked away.

He was through with dealing with her. Well, that's what he told himself. His mind and his body wanted opposite things though.

The King and the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now