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Xena was tired. It wasn't the tired that you are when you just want to sleep, no this was tired that made you ache all over, it made your head hurt, it made you irritable with everything. All that she has been through in past couple months had made her tired.

Xena was walking to the dinning hall, ready to face her brother, but her mind wasn't on that. No, all she could think about was the dead exhaustion that resided inside of her. She was tired of this war, she was tired of living with people who hate her, she was tired off always fighting, but she was mostly tired of having to hide her relationship with Loki.

Sneaking around, trying not to get caught had been fun when they fist got together. It made the whole tryst exciting and sexy, but now, she just wished she could walk up to him and wrap her arms around him just so she could hold him. Unfortunately, to do that is had to be in private.

Dying made her realize that she didn't want to hide how she felt, and she wanted to treasure everything she had.

"Xena," Jarl's voice shocked her from her thoughts.

She stopped, rooted in her spot at the entrance to the dinning hall. Loki sat at the table, staring at her, waiting for her to take his advise. Thor and the Warriors Three surrounded Lady Sif. Everyone was staring at her.

Feeling uncomfortable, Xena focused on something she new wouldn't make her angry.

"Lady Sif, you're back,"

Smiling slightly at her, she answered, "Yeah, it was easy to get away."

Awkward silence filled the hall and Xena finally pushed herself to walk to the table. She felt Thor's eyes follow her, and when she finally meet his eyes, he raised an eyebrow in question. She assumed he was trying to ask if she was okay, but she wasn't sure.

"Xena," Jarl's voice broke the silence again and Xena gripped the pear she had just grab tightly in her fist.

Forcing herself, she looked at her brother. He sat in the middle of the table, a few seats in between him and everyone else.

She breathed evenly, keeping her eyes on Jarl, waiting for him to say something else.

His skin was lightly tanned from working in the spring sun, his hair laid down and brushed his shoulders. He wore a dark green tunic and brown pants.

"Are you going to say anything?" He asked.

Her eyes flickered to the Asguardians. She didn't want to fight with her brother, not in front of them.

"What do you want me to say," she asked monotony.

Her brother breathed heavily, "Maybe a 'thank you' for saving you life."

She started at him astounded, how could he act this way? After all the time she thought he was dead and he was the one mad "You want me to say thank you," she said mordantly, "you don't deserve my thanks."

"I've  always been there when you needed me," he answered.

Xena laughed comically, "Really? Ha. Where were you after Odin supposedly killed you? Where were you when I killed somebody for the first time? Where were you when I basically had to sell myself so I could stay hidden from our father?" Her voice was loud, she wanted her brother to feel bad for all that she had to go through when he was gone. She wanted him to hate himself for not giving her some sign that he was still alive.

Everyone stared at her in shock. She  briefly glance over at Loki, and she saw the anger in his eyes. She knew that anger. It wasn't directed at her, but at Jarl. 

Jarl saw the brief glance and narrowed his eyes.

"I have been here for the whole time. Odin kept me as a slave. I couldn't escape, and believe me, I tried. But, where were you? Where were you when our people needed you? Where were you when they have been trying to avenge our families death?" He paused, waiting for her to answer. "These people, destroyed our family, and here you are fucking their king." Jarl spit the words at her.

Her eyes widen slightly as everyone, except Thor and Loki gasp in confusion.

"He doesn't mean what I think he means, does he?" Sif whispered to Thor.

"These people," Xena began slowly, he voice low and calm, "are better than our people ever will be."

"Traitorous whore," Jarl sneers and then he pushed his chair out from under him and storms out of the room.

Xena stared after her brother, barely breathing, stunned at the turn of the conversation. She thought her brother would try and beg for forgiveness, say that he understood everything she did and why she did it.

"Xena," Sif said from beside her. She didn't hear her get up. She looked at the warrior, blinking, but not really registering anything. Lady Sif took her hand and gently pried her finger open and, the what was left of the pear Xena held fell to the ground.

Sif guided her from the dinning hall and led her to a room she had never been in before. Sif sat her down in a chair and then sat across from her.

"I don't care if you're sleeping with Loki," Xena looked up at the warrior embarrassed, "no one does. Honestly anyone who has eyes can see that Loki has been happier then he's ever been, assuming that's because of you now. Your brother had no right to say that to you. I know you are only here to try and help your people."

"I have been called worse," Xena said and shrugged her shoulders, "but I don't understand why you are telling me all this."

"Jarl told all of us- Thor, the Warriors, Loki, and I- that he wanted to tell you that he was alive, but he couldn't find a way how. He also told us that he appreciates everything that my people have done for him. We gave him work and pay, food, somewhere nice to sleep, and most of all safety. Jarl doesn't hate us like he implied to you. I'm only assuming that he said that because he wanted to make you mad"

"What is your point,"

Sif sighed and then said, "Well we have a plan,"

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