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Authors Note:
*****WARNING***** sexual situations are in this chapter.
If you do not wish to read anything sexual then skip the middle of the chapter.
Hope you guys enjoy :)

Loki saw her body start trembling as he spoke. He wasn't sure if it was in fear or arousal. Straightening himself to his full hight he turned and left. Looking down he saw the slight bulge in his pants. He wanted her and he would have her one way or another.

The next day Xena found Thor, Loki, and the warriors around a giant table, adjacent to the throne room, eating. When she saw them her eyes went immediately to Loki who sat a little distance away from the rest of them.

As if he felt her presence his eyes darted up and found hers. She sneered at him. The others saw Loki look up and they too looked at her. She held her head high as she walked to the table and grab something off it before she turned to leave again.

As she got to the doors Thor spoke. "Xena, I know you don't want to, but you are the only one who can help us."

She turned to see him standing, his hands flat agains the table. She could feel Loki's eyes on her. "I know," she started. After Loki left her last night she had time to shimmer down and realized that they did need her help. With her father now dead there was no one to rule her people. She knew her people would keep fighting though.

She had to help establish a ruler for her people again and she had the perfect person in mind. However she didn't know where that person was. With that person ruling Xena knew there would be peace amongst them and The Asguardians.

"I'll do what you want, but you have to help me find some one. Now that my father is dead there is nobody to rule my people and I would like this person upon the throne before someone like my fathers takes it."

"Fine, where is this person." Thor asked.

"Somewhere in the nine realms." She stated matter of fact. 

Thor rolled his eye, "Why does it have to be this one person?"

"She was the ruler before my father took over. When she ruled there was peace between our races and she's nothing like my father because she didn't want power. She only wanted to take care of the people."

"Who is she?" Loki asked.

Xena barely glanced at him. "She is my aunt."

A couple of days later Xena was getting ready for bed, she was given a room to live in until she could officially leave, when a series of quick knocks sounded at her door. The knocks were hurried and quick, alerting her that it was urgent. Xena quickly made her way to the door and opened it to find Loki on the other side dressed in his armor.

His mouth opened to say something until his eyes fell upon what she was wearing, or lack there of. She was dressed only in a very thin, black night dress that only reached mid thigh. His eyes meet hers and all she saw was hunger, hunger for her.

He stalked forward closing the door behind her. She tried to back away from him but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. One of his hands snaked through her hair and tugged on it pulling her face upward and then his lips were crashing down on hers

Her body responded to his immediately. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer while one of her hands threaded through his hair. Before she knew it he was pushing her up against a wall, the hand that was on her waist ran down her thigh and pulled her leg up to wrap around his waist.

She could feel him agains her stomach. The hand in her hair came down to her other leg and helped lift her up completely. Both her legs where wrapped around his waist, his hands gripping her butt.

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