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Sorry it's such a short chapter you guys, but alas it is getting to the end of this story 😁

Xena forced herself from the pillar and limped slightly toward him.  Her shirt was ripped in many places and cover with blood. Her hair hung behind her stif with both hers and others blood as well.

Before she stepped three feet a man appeared behind her silently, and so quickly Loki didn't have time to shout a warning before he saw a sword trust through Xena's chest.

Her eyes went wide and she gasped as she looked down are the blade protruding from her.

Suddenly the mans head dropped to the floor rolling away from his body and Thor stood there, sword covered in the mans blood.

Loki stood rooted in his place, frozen at the scene flooding out in front of him. Xena looked up and their eyes meet. She stumbled forward a few steps and then collapsed to the ground.

Seeing Xena hit the ground, he felt his body unfreeze and he ran to her. Thor was kneeling beside her, griping the sword the was in her chest and telling her he was going to pull it out.

Loki fell to the ground beside his lover and gripped her hand. She looked at him as Thor gripped the sword tighter. Xena's eyes shut tight and a gasp of pain escaped her as the sword slide out of her chest.

Loki then cradled her in her arms. Her blood covering him but he didn't care. He knew she only had minutes to live.

"Please," he heard himself gasp, his eyes starting to water. Xena gazed up at him, gasping for breath. His hand cupped her face and and whispered, "Please, you can't leave me,"

"Loki," she breathed, a tear rolling down her check.

"I can't lose you. I... I ..." He couldn't finish. He never said those words to a woman and he didn't even think he could feel that way about someone.

"I know," she whispered. " me too," she gasped and smiled slightly before her body went limp in his arms and the light leaving her eyes.

"Xena!" Loki exclaimed, shaking her gently. "Xena!"

"Loki," he heard Thor's voice, gentle and filled with motion. "She's gone,"

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