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"I'm only human. I bleed when I fall down. I'm only human I cash and I break down."

Tired of being judged. Sometimes I feel people should keep their comments to themselves because only God can judge you. I owe nothing to men.

"Words in my head, knives in my heart. You build me up and then I fall apart, because I'm only human"

It's funny how the same mouth that gives bitter water gives sweet water too. They can say all these nice things about you one moment and stab you in the back the next. All because you did something considered "WRONG" to them.

Some of the Christian people are the same hypocrites that judge people and talk about one another. I am Christian, but I believe some people just come under the wing of being Christian to not worship the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but something else that I am obviously not aware of.

Even Jesus said "...the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you"

Christians need to start praising God and following what he says insteed of the bias veiws of the church. Like some churches come up with these crazy rules they say that Christians should follow, when Jesus made simple rules for us to follow.

It's not God who is drawing the people away but the same people who are the ones to follow him.

Thank God my church is not like that.

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