My struggle

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Okay, I might have a problem.

I just wanna be a normal teenage girl, but I'm afraid that being a 'Normal teenager' is not the ones portrayed in the teen fictions; with true love, sugar, spice and everything nice. Yes Power Puff Girls. I love that show.

Not every girl, gets 'the guy'. Wattpad has seriously affected my thinking, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. We don't always get what we want. We don't always have a great time in high school.   Will we ever survive this world? Will we meet our true love, through an arranged marriage? We will  get kidnapped by someone we fall deeply in love with?

I don't know. The thing is we never know what is gonna happen. We can't analyze our life like the way we analyze books. That's what Wattpad got me doing.

Why does life has to be so difficult? I'm tired of "being perfect". I listen to my parents, I do great at school, I don't curse, I'm respectful to people, people usually like me, and at one point I had boys trailing after me. I know what you're probably thinking, "What are you complaining about?!" I'm complaining because what if I mess up? Will someone still accept me? 

People who are consided "perfect", seems to have the most problems because people judge us. If we mess up, we think we're not good enough. We feel as if we will forever have to keep up a front to please others, and never our self.

Life is too short, and I wanna please the person inside. I wanna say on my death day, "My life is complete, I did everything I got a chance to do". I don't wanna miss out on my LIFE, to please others.

Another thing is that every time I try and change myself for others, in the end, I say it was not worth it. I say that I was wonderful the way I was in the first place. 

You know what really scares me? The fact that if you try and get a full life, and something bad happens to you. Will you ever get to complete it? However, if you always play on the safe side, you won't get to accomplish the things you want. Life is something I'm dying to figure out. God will help me, I know it.

My life is twisted. I need to stop overthinking it and live it instead. 

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