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Why would the sun hide behind a cloud? Doesn't it see it's beauty and impact it has? Aren't we we all like suns?

I feel alone sometimes, like no one's there for me. I feel like I'm hiding away from the crowd away from others.

It's because I'm afraid? Is it because I'm tired of others blaming me, telling me I'm not good enough, telling me I'm stupid, ugly and an untouchable?

Many of you see a girl who looks like she's trying, who looks like she's happy and she has everything she wants. You feel like she has everything and she's always gonna be happy but that's not it. I feel alone like I'm not wanted, so I coop up in my little shell trying not to be noticed.

I hate that I try so hard for people to like me and to gain their respect and approval. It's just that I'm afraid everyone will hate me, if they don't already do.

When I gain my confidence, it always seems like someone always tears it down. Be careful of what you say to people. It will change their life.

Most of the time I like being by myself so I won't feel like less of a person, like a werido.

No I'm not the coolest, or the smartest, or the prettiest. I never will be, but all I want is to respect and love myself no matter what others say to me. I just want to love myself because you can't love others til you love yourself.

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