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That is something everyone has been trying to find out maybe from the beginning of time. Well, I think I found the meaning.

Yes, I said the meaning of life.

Remember when I said life is a test? Well, it's that and much more! Life is a test, but something we must enjoy. Humans are meant to be on this world, so why not make it different, follow our dreams and increase the understanding of others? 

It's our ball game people. God is everything about creativity, so his children must be the same as well. He wants to see what we can do in this world. So why not do it? It doesn't matter is your smart, rich, or wise. All that matters is that you do what you have to do, because God always has a plan and a place for everyone.

Like in the bible, that man that was laim (paralyze) and Jesus healed him; everyone was asking why was he that way , and Jesus said, his parents or grandparents didn't do anything wrong. He was placed in this world this way for the son of man so that the work of God could be manifested through him.

So, no matter the way you are today, God has a place for you. Just like Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Deborah, Naomi , Ruth and much more!

Each of these people have something in common, they all had their rough patches but God has brought them through, showing us an example.

Live life to the fullest, gain everything you can because it can make your life easier in this world. Even though , school, riches and all these vanities don't matter, and all that matters is serving God. Make your life easier and do what you can.

You don't have to be the smartest, the skinniest, the funnest or anything because God loves you. Just follow his way and you will be alright.

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